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Scheduled system templates for export

Once a template is scheduled for export, it becomes a system template and is available for exporting data associated only within the school context it is created. System templates created at the district office will export data from all schools.

Data exported from System Templates do not have field level security restrictions. However, users who are permitted to set up and run scheduled system templates do not necessarily have access to the export destination. Security of the export destination is managed by its own security mechanisms, outside of PowerSchool.

Schedule a template for export

  1. Navigate to the Data Export Manager page.
  2. Click the My Templates tab. 
  3. Click the Schedule Template icon next to the template you want to schedule for export. This button only appears for users with a role permitted to edit scheduled system templates.
  4. If you do not want PowerSchool to automatically export a copy of the data, deselect Schedule Active.
  5. Select the checkbox next to each day of the week you want PowerSchool to automatically export a copy of the data.
  6. Enter the hour and minutes you want PowerSchool to automatically export a copy of the data.
  7. Choose the method by which you want to export a copy of the data.
  8. Enter the path where you want the exported file saved. A relative path may be entered, such as /folder/subfolder. In which case, the file will be written to the given path relative to the PowerSchool data folder as defined by the PowerSchool Installer. An absolute path preceded by a drive letter may also be entered, such as F:\exportdirectory\. Absolute paths may only refer to local drives in a single node environment or to network drives as defined by the PowerSchool Installer for multi-node environments.
  9. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to send a completion report to each time it exports this file. Separate multiple addresses with commas.
  10. Click Save

View scheduled system templates

  1. Navigate to the Data Export Manager page.
  2. Click the Scheduled System Templates tab.
  3. Click the template name to load for export or editing.
  4. Use the Edit icon to edit scheduled export options.

  5. Use the Run Now icon to run the scheduled export immediately.

  6. Use the Delete icon to delete a scheduled export.

View scheduled system template results

Once a scheduled export runs, navigate to where the exported file was saved (designated path) to view scheduled export results.

Edit system template schedule options

  1. Navigate to the Data Export Manager page.
  2. Click the Scheduled System Templates tab. 
    Click column headings to sort templates in ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order.
  3. Click the Edit icon next to the template you want to edit. 
  4. Edit as needed.
  5. Click Save

Run a scheduled system template immediately

  1. Navigate to the Data Export Manager page.
  2. Click the Scheduled System Templates tab. 
    Click column headings to sort templates in ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order.
  3. Click the Run Now icon next to the template you want to run. 
  4. Navigate to where the exported file was saved (designated path) to view scheduled export results.

Delete a scheduled system template

  1. Navigate to the Data Export Manager page.
  2. Click the Scheduled System Templates tab. 
    Click column headings to sort templates in ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order.
  3. Click the Delete icon next to the template you want to delete.
  4. Click the Confirm Delete icon. 
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