Remote Connection Management
Remote Connection Management allows you to configure a connection to a secure remote server. Remote connections are configured from the PowerSchool Plugin Console.
When you create a remote connection, it is available to select as a report parameter when generating certain state-specific reports. For more information, refer to the applicable state reporting guide.
Page permissions determine the options available on the Remote Connection Management page.
Work with Remote Connections
You can create, view, edit, and delete remote connections on the Manage Remote Connections page. PowerSchool page permissions determine the available options on this page, depending on the user ID.
Add a Remote Connection
Enter the information you receive from the host of the remote server on the Remote Connection Management page in order to configure the remote connection.
The remote connection is dependent on the network firewall in order to operate correctly. Be sure your network allows for remote connections before configuring this feature.
- Navigate to the Plugin Configuration page.
- Click Remote Connection Manager
- Click Remote Connection Manager.
- Click Create Connection.
Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
Enter a name for the connection.
Enter a description for the connection. This information is only visible on this dialog when viewing existing connections.
Select the format for transferring data from the pop-up menu.
Allow unsecure ciphers
Do one of the following
- Select the checkbox to allow PowerSchool to use a larger set of encryption options (ciphers) to communicate with the SFTP server.
- Deselect the checkbox to allow PowerSchool to use the most secure encryption options (ciphers) to communicate with the SFTP server. This is the more secure option.
Enter the IP address or server DNS.
Enter the port number. The default port is 22.
Authentication Type
Indicate the method by which you want to confirm the identity of users who connect to the network via a remote connection by choosing one of the following:
- Password
- Private Key
- Private/Public Key
- Private/Public Key with Passphrase
Enter the username provided by the remote server host.
If Public Key is selected for Authentication Type, enter the passphrase of the imported key pair.
If Password is selected for Authentication Type, enter the password provided by the remote server host.
Confirm Password
Re-enter the password to confirm.
Test Connection
Click to assure that the remote connection is configured correctly and established a connection to the server.
Finger Print
This security information is populated when you accept the host key and a successful connection is established with the remote server.
To enter a host key received via secure email or another communication method, click the hyperlink to display the Host Key field.
Host Key
Click the Finger Print hyperlink to display this field. Copy and paste the host key information received from the remote host via secure email or another communication method into this field. Once the information is entered in the field, click Test Connection again to verify the server security.
Remote Path
Leave this field blank in order for the PowerSchool report to automatically detect the correct folder path unless you are directed to enter a folder path manually.
Allow Download
Select the checkbox to allow downloads from the remote connection.
Allow Upload
Select the checkbox to allow uploads to the server from PowerSchool.
- Click Submit. The Create Connection dialog closes.
Edit a Remote Connection
You can only edit a remote connection if you have permissions assigned to do so.
- Navigate to the Plugin Configuration page.
- Click Remote Connection Manager.
- Click Remote Connection Manager.
- Click the remote connection you want to edit.
- Edit information as needed.
- Click Submit.
Delete a Remote Connection
- Navigate to the Plugin Configuration page.
- Click Remote Connection Manager.
- Click Remote Connection Manager.
- Click the remote connection you want to delete.
- Click Delete.
- Click Confirm Delete.