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View Backfill Details

The View Backfill Details page provides an easy way to see the aggregated attendance minutes and how backfill has been applied for each student for each week in the current backfill date range.

  1. Navigate to the Backfill Management page
  2. Click View Backfill Details



    Backfill Week

    Identifies the first day and the last day of the week for which aggregation is being shown. Aggregation occurs for every week within the backfill date range.


    Indicates the number of days within the week that were actual "in-session" school days. This is used to determine the maximum ADA that can be claimed and thus whether a week currently has excess hours or is short of hours.

    Baseline CH

    The total number of attendance minutes for the week that were entered through PowerSchool Meeting/Interval attendance or PowerTeacher attendance prior to any attendance minutes being used for or applied by the backfill process.

    Baseline ISH

    The total number of attendance minutes for the week that were entered through PowerSchool Time attendance and not marked as "Work Experience" prior to any attendance minutes being used for or applied by the backfill process.

    Baseline WH

    The total number of attendance minutes for the week that were entered through PowerSchool Time attendance and marked as "Work Experience" prior to any attendance minutes being used for or applied by the backfill process.

    Baseline Total

    The sum of the minutes reflected in Baseline CH, Baseline ISH, and Baseline WH.

    Post-Backfill CH

    The total number of minutes that were entered through PowerSchool Meeting/Interval attendance or PowerTeacher attendance, plus or minus any of these type of minutes that were either taken away or added by the backfill process.

    Post-Backfill ISH

    The total number of attendance minutes for the week that were entered through PowerSchool Time attendance and not marked as "Work Experience," plus or minus any of these type of minutes that were either taken away or added by the backfill process.

    Post-Backfill WH

    The total number of attendance minutes for the week that were entered through PowerSchool Time attendance and marked as "Work Experience," plus or minus any of these type of minutes that were either taken away or added by the backfill process.

    Post-Backfill Total

    The sum of the minutes reflected in Post-Backfill CH, Post-Backfill ISH, and Post-Backfill WH.

    Categories - Ex

    The total number of minutes entered using an attendance code assigned to the Excused Absences attendance code category

    Categories - Ux

    The total number of minutes entered using an attendance code assigned to the Unexcused Absences attendance code category.

    Categories - S

    The total number of minutes entered using an attendance code assigned to the Suspended Absences attendance code category.

    Max Mins

    The total possible apportionment for the week.

    Backfill Type

    identifies the type of backfill that was applied to the week by being subtracted from a subsequent week during the backfill process. The valid types are:

    • CH - Course Minutes
    • ISH - Independent Study Minutes
    • WH - Work Experience Minutes

    Backfill Mins

    The number of attendance minutes applied to the week by being subtracted from a subsequent week during the backfill process.

    Backfill Week Date

    The date of the week from which attendance minutes were subtracted and added to the current week during the backfill process.

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