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Backfill Management

Backfill is a process that specifically supports the California's Alternative Education Program for Continuation Education. For more information about California's Alternative Education Program (CA AEP), visit PowerSource.

Backfilling maximizes the number of attendance hours that can be claimed for state funding by taking excess hours from a school week and applying those hours to a prior week in which the maximum hours were not achieved. There is a set number of hours per week that can be used towards ADA funding. Once this maximum is reached the state allows any additional hours to be used in previous weeks in which a student did not attend for the maximum. Hours can only be backfilled to previous weeks. Hours cannot be used for future weeks. There are numerous rules regarding backfilling and how hours can be claimed.

Backfill can be applied when attendance is taken by enabling Realtime Backfill. Backfill can also run as a separate process using Backfill Management

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