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Drop a Student from a Course

You can manually drop a student from a course.

Running a load will cause manual modifications to be lost. Instead, choose the Reschedule the selected [x] students option when loading.

  1. Navigate to the PowerScheduler page.
  2. Under Resources, choose Students from the PowerScheduler menu.
  3. Select students for scheduling.
  4. Click the name of the student you want to work with from the students menu.
  5. Do one of the following:

    • Choose Schedule.

    • Click the Schedule tab.

  6. Click the Drop menu.
  7. Choose the period in which you want to drop this student from a course. Period names in the menu match the periods on the page. For example, to drop a course that convenes during Period A2 in Semester 2, choose the second occurrence of A2.

    To simultaneously drop more than one course, select the checkboxes in the appropriate rows, and then click Drop Classes.

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