PowerSchool SIS Locale Management
School and district administrators can now leverage PowerSchool SIS locales within Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms.
A new configuration option is available under Configure Form Languages where administrators can map the languages defined in the menu path: System Management - Forms - Configure Form Languages to PowerSchool SIS Locales defined in the menu path: System - Localization - System Locales.
From the Start Page, choose System Management, Forms, then Configure Form Languages.
The Default language is displayed if you have not chosen a language preference. The User Count is the number of users who currently have chosen the language as their default.- Select one SIS Locale Mapping from the available languages.
- Click Submit.
If the mapping is incomplete, the error message: Please ensure all languages are mapped to PowerSchool SIS locales before submitting is displayed.
If the configuration contains duplicate PowerSchool SIS locales, the error message: Duplicate PowerSchool SIS locale values detected within one or more locales. Please ensure each PowerSchool SIS locale is uniquely mapped before submitting. is displayed.
The system cannot automatically detect incorrect locale mappings configured by you. For example, if you mistakenly map English within Configure Form Languages to PowerSchool SIS Arabic locale, translations will still be migrated based on the provided mapping. Such issues arise from user configuration errors, and the system is not designed to validate or identify them.
If the configuration is complete and unique, the warning message: Mapping languages with PowerSchool locales is a one-time action and cannot be undone. Once completed, this page will no longer be available. is displayed. Click Continue to complete the migration process, which will take a few seconds. If the migration fails, no changes will be saved and you must perform the mapping again. After submission, the system will check for duplicates and ensure each Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms language is mapped to a unique PowerSchool SIS locale. After validation, a one-time migration process will link existing dynamic translations within forms to the mapped PowerSchool SIS locales. This migration is irreversible.
After migration, the success message: Translations have been successfully migrated to PowerSchool SIS locales. will be displayed and automatically redirected to the PowerSchool SIS Home page. All dynamic form translations will be linked to their respective PowerSchool SIS locales.
Post-migration, Responders will not be able to see the language selection on the form list or form response page. The form will be rendered automatically with the following conditions:
When dynamic form translations are configured for your logged-in locale, The form list and form response page will automatically display in your logged-in locale.
When dynamic form translations are not configured for your logged-in locale but configured for the PowerSchool SIS default locale, the form list and form response page will automatically display in the PowerSchool SIS default locale.
When neither of the above options is configured, the form will display the content added in the form builder element.
- These conditions also apply to Pre-Registration forms.
- These changes also apply to school and district administrators and teachers when viewing form responses.
When parents access forms via MyPowerHub:
If there is an exact match for locale and country between MyPowerHub and PowerSchool SIS, and dynamic translations are configured for the same locale in PowerSchool SIS, parents will see the dynamic form in the matching locale. If there is an exact match for locale but not for country between MyPowerHub and PowerSchool SIS, and dynamic translations are configured for the same locale but different country codes in PowerSchool SIS, parents will see the dynamic form translation in this next best match locale
If there is no match for locale or country code, the form will display in the default PowerSchool SIS locale if translations are configured for the default PowerSchool SIS locale. If no translations are configured, the form will display the content added in the form builder element.
Post-migration, administrators can configure dynamic translations by selecting PowerSchool SIS locales in the Form Builder and across various product pages. The locale migration will not affect import/export form functionalities.
When the form with PowerSchool SIS locale is exported, if you import the form on the Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms environment where migration is already completed, the associated PowerSchool SIS locale-based translations will be imported for all matching locales between the imported form and the PowerSchool SIS instance.
When the form with PowerSchool SIS locale is exported, if you import the form on the Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms environment where migration is not completed, the associated PowerSchool SIS locale-based translations will not be imported with form import.
When the form with Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms locale is exported, if you import the form on the Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms environment where migration is already completed, the associated Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms locale-based translations will not be imported with form import.
When the form with Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms locale is exported, if you import the form on the Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms environment where migration is not completed, the associated Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms locale-based translations will be imported with form import.