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PowerSchool SIS

PowerSchool SIS version is available as of 11/8/2019:

New Features

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Custom Quick Incident Templates and Quick Entry of Incidents

This feature provides district administrators with the ability to create quick and use incident templates that are specific to an incident situation. Districts can easily configure templates for predefined types of incidents, allowing administrators to provide their staff with an easy-to-use incident tools that are tailored to the district's needs. Additionally, admins can now view counts by incident type on their incident dashboard.

New PowerSchool SIS In-App Help

The in-app help for administrators, teachers, and students and parents is now available from a central online location in a simple, easy-to-use format.

Enhanced School Switcher

This feature makes the process of selecting schools easier by providing a simplified way for users to make their selections. In addition to selecting a school from the list, users will also have the ability to filter schools by school name, number, or abbreviation to narrow down their list of schools.

Note: This feature introduces AngularJS on all pages in PowerSchool SIS where the School Switcher is available. See this article on PowerSchool Community for further information on how this feature may impact customizations.

PowerSchool Admin Can Add Organizational Layers

District administrators can now assign a school category so that the type of school can be identified (elementary, middle, high, adult), as well as the region to which a district in the state belongs. Two new Code Sets have been added so administrators can define State Regions and School Categories. State regions can be assigned on the District Information page and school categories can be assigned to each school on the Schools/School Info page. Multiple pages where users are asked to add or assign a school (i.e. staff security settings) now have an enhanced school search menu that provides various filter options and displays any assigned school categories.

Career Technical Education (CTE) Setup and Tracking

This feature provides CT coordinators with the ability to enter the CT clusters, programs, and credentials offered by academic year, as well as enter the reimbursement needed for CT credential testing for each academic year. School counselors can now view and add declared CTE programs, courses, and earned credentials to a student record.

(19.0.0) Career Tech
Find Me

Administrators can now quickly and easily locate a student base on the student's current location/scheduled class.

Find Me
Student Focused Standards Scoresheet

Teachers now have an overview of a student's progress on assignments with standards for a selected reporting term, allowing them the ability to make edits to standard scores on assignments.

View Standards Scoresheet for a Student in PowerTeacher Pro
Teacher Editable Standards Weighting By Term

Teachers now have the ability to change standards weighting at the term level for their final grades as allowed by their administrator.

Specific Weights for Standards in PowerTeacher Pro
Numeric Grading by Level or Percent

Administrators now have the ability to choose how category and term weighting is calculated for Numeric grade scales.

Grade Scales and Displays in the Summary Area of the Scoresheet in PowerTeacher Pro
Custom Report Name in the Report Queue

Teachers will now see their custom report name in the report queue.

Reports in PowerTeacher Pro
Expanded Functionality for the Individual Student Report

Teachers are now able to run the Individual Student Report for an entire section, including assignment data, with the Include Students' Full Schedule option.

Individual Student Report in PowerTeacher Pro
PowerTeacher Pro In-App Help

The PowerTeacher Pro in-app help is now available from a central online location in a simple, easy-to-use format!

PowerTeacher Pro In-App Help


Oracle 12.2

PowerSchool SIS release (released August 7, 2019) and above will work with either Oracle versions 12.1 or 12.2. However, beginning with release, it is strongly recommended that the PowerSchool SIS be running on Oracle 12.2 to ensure that security issues found by Oracle can be addressed. Oracle will no longer be publishing security patches for Oracle 12.1. When your server is upgraded to or above, it is also recommended upgrading to Oracle 12.2.


PowerSchool - Security

With the release of PowerSchool SIS, the use of SSL became enforced in preparation for password hashing changed. With this release, this phased roll out is complete.

Important Note: As part of this release, the javascript on the password pages has changed. As a result, the browser cache may need to be cleared in order to login to PowerSchool. The file impacted by this has a maximum cache time of 24 hours.


PowerSchool Admin - Attendance Taken

The Teacher Attendance Submission Status on the Attendance Dashboard now takes time of day and the bell schedule into consideration when returning results.


PowerSchool Admin - Report of Sign-In Attempts

The Report of Invalid Sign-In Attempts is now the Report of Sign-In Attempts. This page shows all sign-ins to the system and reason for any failures.


PowerTeacher and PowerTeacher Pro - Miscellaneous
  • PowerTeacher's Student Information pages now use wildcards to display Student details allowing for easier customization.
  • PowerTeacher's Custom Page Management template has been updated to use the new wildcards.
  • PowerTeacher now includes a Schedule Matrix View.
  • PowerTeacher and PowerTeacher Pro's Demographics page now displays Students ID values correctly. In addition, the State Student Number now also appears.


PowerTeacher Pro - Auto-Calculate Assignment Standards Scores

The Auto-Calculate Assignment Standards Scores checkbox now appears on both sections, Show Selected Standards and Add/Edit Standards, of the Standards tab when creating or editing an assignment.


Resolved Issues

PowerSchool Admin - Attendance

In some cases, the attendance Comment icon does not display for the appropriate records when viewing the Attendance Dashboard. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Guardian Email

In some cases, an HTTP 500 error occurs when editing a student's guardian email. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Import

In some cases, when importing students the import may stop mid import. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Import

In some cases, when importing student records, the import may take longer than expected. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Import

In some cases, when importing transportation records using Data Import Manager, previous row values are being added to the incorrect record if both the arrival and departure times are imported and empty values exist for the arrival or departure time. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Localization

In some cases, labels on the Import Photos page are not being translated. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - PowerLunch

When viewing the Meal Count Listing report in PowerLunch, the results do not include exempt students In the total count. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Reports

In some cases, no students are returned when running the Absentee Report. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Sections

As part of PowerSchool 19.4.3, protections were added when editing a section's term or expression in order to ensure attendance records were not orphaned and that these records accurately reflected if a student was absent or present. In some cases, changing the term incorrectly identifies attendance records would be orphaned, such as when a term was extended. This issue is now resolved by the following:

  • Extending a term, such as Q1 to S1, is allowed as this would not orphan attendance.
  • Reducing the size of a term, such as S1 to Q1, is allowed if no attendance exists outside the new term being selected as this would not orphan attendance.
  • The Match Selection feature in DDE has been enhanced to support better selections between tables. For example, selecting impacted Attendance records for evaluation can be done by matching selection between Section to CC to Attendance.


PowerSchool Admin - Sections

In some cases, the exit date of any associated CC record(s) is not being updated when changing the term for a section. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Years and Terms

In some cases, when signing into PowerSchool at the District Office an unexpected year/term is being selected from another school where the current date is still active . This issue is now resolved. Now when signing into PowerSchool at the District Office, the term will be selected based on the Years and Terms defined at the District Office.


PowerTeacher Pro – Co-Teachers Receive Error MessageIn certain situations, co-teachers receive an error message when trying to modify an assignment in PowerTeacher Pro, causing them to have to discard the changes. However, when they exit the module, the changes are actually saved. This issue is now resolved.PSF-16409
PowerTeacher Pro – Erroneous Records Prevent LaunchingUnder certain conditions, when LockOverride and LockOverride Section tables have erroneous records, teachers are prevented from launching PowerTeacher Pro. This issue is now resolved.PSF-16460
PowerTeacher Pro - Final Grades

In some cased, the Final Grade Status button may not appear correctly when viewing PowerTeacher Pro using as a read only user. This issue is now resolved.


PowerTeacher Pro - Student Roster Report

When running the Student Roster report using student number and then switching to student name or any other field, the roster continues to output the student number after this field has been removed from the setup. This issue is now resolved.


Known Issues

PowerSchool SIS – PowerScheduler Build Engine Incompatible with MacOS Catalina

Apple has announced that their upcoming release of macOS 10.15 (Catalina) will no longer support 32-bit applications. The current version of the PowerScheduler build engine is a 32-bit application, which will not run on Catalina. Do not install macOS Catalina on any computer used to run the PowerScheduler build engine. The macOS releases up to macOS 10.14 (Mojave) will continue to work with the current build engine. Computers running Windows are not impacted by this issue.

Note: The PowerScheduler load engine runs on the server and is not impacted by this issue.


PowerTeacher Pro - Locking/Unlocking Sections

Setting the Lock Until or Unlock Until dates to a date in past causes errors when attempting to change the lock/unlock until date. If this happens, manually clearing the lock/unlock date will correct the issue.


PowerTeacher Pro - Standards Scoresheet Pagination Navigation Issues

When using the Standards Scoresheet, when using the keyboard to navigate through the assignment grid, the grid does not paginate to the next page of standards. If this happens, click the arrow on the grid the change the page.


PowerSchool Components

PowerSchool SIS is comprised of several software components, each versioned independently from one another. This allows for greater flexibility of component updates as new features and bug fixes become available. Some updates may include dependencies between components. These dependencies will be communicated and built into the component update installers to prevent PowerSchool SIS from being configured incorrectly. The following table identifies the version number for each PowerSchool SIS component in this release compared to the previous release:

ComponentVersion Number

PowerSchool SIS Server

PowerTeacher Gradebook






State Reporting

Report SDK




Upcoming Release


New Enterprise Reports

Four new Enterprise Reports will be available in Compliance Installer for all states and provinces:

  • Contact Relationship Details
  • Course List
  • Current Grades
  • Student Demographics Plus
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