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Student Information DATs





Student Age


Displays the student’s age.

Your student, at age ^(age) is eligible for driving instruction.

Your student, at age 15 years and 6 months, is eligible for driving instruction.

Student Long Age


Displays the student’s age in long format.

Your student is currently ^(age;long).

Your student is currently 15 years, 5 months, and 1 day old.



Displays he, she, or the default gender pronoun as defined on the District Gender Pronouns page based on the student’s selected gender.

Your student said that ^(he/she) was excused.

Your student said that he was excused.



Displays He, She, or the default gender pronoun as defined on the District Gender Pronouns page based on the student’s selected gender.

^(He/She) is doing well in class.

She is doing well in class.



Displays him, her, or the default gender pronoun as defined on the District Gender Pronouns page based on the student’s selected gender.

Your student brought the project with ^(him/her).

Your student brought the project with him.



Displays His, Her, or the default gender pronoun as defined on the District Gender Pronouns page based on the student’s selected gender.

^(His/Her) grades are improving.

His grades are improving.



Displays his, her, or the default gender pronoun as defined on the District Gender Pronouns page based on the student’s selected gender.

^(his/her) grades are improving.

His grades are improving.



Displays son, daughter, or the default gender pronoun as defined on the District Gender Pronouns page based on the student’s selected gender.

Your ^(son/daughter) is an honor roll student.

Your daughter is an honor roll student.

Fee Balance


Returns the student’s current fee balance.

Your student has a fee balance of ^(Fee_GetStudentBalance).

Your student has a fee balance of $50.00.

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