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Fee Categories

Fee categories are used as an organizational tool to group fee types. The fee category indicates the manner in which fee types are assessed. 

Fee Categories are set at the district office level.

PowerSchool includes two default fee categories, School and Course. Using the School fee category, you can create school enrollment fees that are automatically assessed at the school level when a student enrolls in school. Using the Course fee category, you can create course enrollment fees that are automatically assessed at the course level when a student enrolls in a course.

In addition, you can create as many other fee categories as your district needs. These other fee categories are called Student fees and are assessed manually for an individual student or a group of students. After a fee category is created, you can create a fee type for that category.

A third non-editable fee category called Start of Year Balance, or SOY Balance, may appear if balances have been transferred using the End-of-Year process or if you have performed the Fee Conversion. You cannot associate fee types to this category, nor can you create fees using it.

Fee Category



Automatically when students enroll in school


Automatically when students register for a course

[Student] Such as Field Trip

Manually by district or school administrator

Navigation: District Management, Fees, Fee Category

Add a Fee Category

  1. On the Fee Categories page click New.
    The New Fee Category page displays.

  2. Enter the name of the fee category in the Fee Category field, such as Field Trip.

  3. Click Submit.
    The Fee Categories page displays the new fee category.

Edit a Fee Category

  1. On the Fee Categories page, click the fee category you want to edit.
    The Edit Fee Category page displays.

  2. Edit the name of the fee category in the Fee Category field.

  3. Click Submit.
    The Fee Categories page displays the edited fee category.

Delete a Fee Category

It is recommended that you do not delete or modify the default fee categories. However, transaction records already created are not affected.

  1. On the Fee Categories page, click the fee category you want to delete.
    The Edit Fee Category page displays.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. Click Confirm Delete.
    The selected fee category is deleted.

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