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PowerSchool SIS

PowerSchool SIS version is available as of 3/1/2021.

This release contains state-specific updates for California and All States/Provinces.


PowerSchool Admin - AccessibilityAccessibility improvements are now available on the Student and Teacher Matrix pages. Additionally, a screen reader section has been added to indicate Term/Day/Periods that are blank or double booked.PSF-40468
PowerSchool Admin - Change History

The following additional fields have been added to the School Enrollments category for Change History:

  • Enroll Status
  • Scheduled Transfer Date

The School Enrollments Change History category can be enabled on the Change History Settings page.


Resolved Issues

Product Area
Attendance - AdminIn some cases the Attendance Nightly process generates unexpected results starting with version, requiring manually running the Attendance Refresh in order to correct the results. This mainly impacted Daily/TimeDay and Meeting/PctTimeDay calculations. This issue is now resolved. The calculation logic has been reverted to the pre logic while keeping a key performance fix.PSF-41274
Attendance - AdminIn some cases, attendance comments cannot be saved on the Attendance Dashboard when a user's default security level is not full access and the page permission is set to full access. This issue is now resolved.PSF-39747
Attendance - AdminMulti-Day Attendance does not display the attendance grid if the date range includes the exit date for a Transferred Out student. This issue is now resolved. PSF-41890
Attendance - AdminIn some instances, a student's Quick Lookup Attendance Total includes attendance for the entire school year and not for the date range of the term. This issue is now resolved.PSF-40683
Attendance - AdminWhen a comment is submitted on an attendance code on the Student Edit Meeting Attendance page, all of the entered codes become locked, not just the code that received a comment. This issue is now resolved.PSF-15631
Change History - AdminWhen viewing Attendance Change History records, information about the class and teacher that provides context to the particular attendance change is missing. This issue is now resolved. PSF-41989
Change History - AdminIn some instances when enabling Change History for the first time, Categories were missing from the Change History drop-down menu. This issue is now resolvedPSF-40518
Change History - AdminIn some cases, Public Portal appears in the Changed By column on the Change History page for School Enrollments if the class was dropped by the nightly process. This issue is now resolved.PSF-39869
PowerSchool - Admin

In some cases when submitting a Log Entry from the Administrator portal the Students.GuardianEmail value may be changed unexpectedly. This occurs when the Discipline_VictimType field is one of the fields present. This issue is resolved.

Customers utilizing the Students.GuardianEmail field should evaluate/update the data contained in this field post-upgrade.

PowerSchool Admin - AutoSendWhen AutoSend is run, diacritical characters are exported as HTML character entities. This issue is now resolved.PSF-41219
PowerSchool Admin - CoursesUsers with View Only access may encounter an error when attempting to view the Courses page. This issue is now resolved.PSF-40891
PowerSchool Admin - Daily BulletinThe Preview Daily Bulletin does not work correctly in the New Experience view. This issue is now resolved. PSF-40884
PowerSchool Admin - Document AttachmentAttaching documents using the Document Attachment provider API will fail if the District ID is alphanumeric and not numeric. This issue is now resolved.PSF-40851
PowerSchool Admin - Grade ReportWhen using PowerSchool SIS with French as the selected language, the Store Permanent Grades function does not complete when choosing to display all terms under the Classes by Term Length section. This issue is now resolved. PSF-29620
PowerSchool Admin - Graduation PlannerWhen viewing the Graduation Planner page, the results may not display all courses enrolled when a child term is set on the current grade display page. This issue is now resolved.PSF-42229
PowerSchool Admin - Graduation PlannerWhen attempting to convert a Graduation Set to a Graduation Plan an error occurs. This issue is now resolved.PSF-40651
PowerSchool Admin - HealthIn some cases when changing the order of immunization dates an error occurs. This issue is now resolved.PSF-38647
PowerSchool Admin - HealthWhen the Doctor Name smart tag is included in a health plan for a student record that does not have a Doctor specified in Emergency Contact/Medical, the smart tag is incorrectly filled with the word 'student'. This issue is now resolved.PSF-41861
PowerSchool Admin - Installer

As part of this release, the installer has been improved to support newer SMB protocols. This functionality is used as part of the Map Network Drives process in the PowerSchool Installer.

In some rare cases when using a shared drive, a Windows System error 1312 has occurred message may appear. Defining the SharePoint username in a domain\username format resolves this error

PowerSchool Admin - ReportsWhen creating a Report Card report, an extra column may appear in a table when used as part of the Header or Footer. This issue is now resolved. PSF-40802
PowerSchool Admin - SAMLWhen using PowerSchool as the Identity Provider (IdP) with SAML the metadata generated contains an invalid valueUntil date of 1/31/2021. This issue is now resolved.PSF-41182
PowerSchool Admin - ServerThe Server Licensing page has been removed.PSF-41664
PowerSchool Admin - SystemAfter upgrading to PowerSchool a significant number of empty numbered folders may be created under PowerSchool\temp\tomcat-oltp\dalx\{server_instance_id}\. This issue can cause core and state reporting install to take a significant amount of time on the icalcs step. Previously these folders were only removed as part of the PowerSchool SIS startup. Starting with PowerSchool these folders will only be created when needed and will be removed when no longer needed. This resolves future upgrades that occur after PowerSchool SIS version
PowerSchool Admin - User Access Role NameThe addition of an apostrophe (') to any User Access Role Name causes errors in the display of existing roles and makes the Add button unavailable. This issue is now resolved. PSF-41746
PowerTeacher Pro - AssignmentsIn some cases when creating a new assignment or editing an assignment the information may take an excessive amount of time to appear when a large number of standards exist. This issue is now resolved.PSF-40055
PowerTeacher - AttendanceThe Last Name sort order for Single Day attendance in PowerTeacher may not match the Multi-Day sort order. This issue is now resolved.PSF-39873
PowerTeacher Pro - StandardsIn some cases when adding or removing Standards from an Assignment an error may occur. This issue is now resolved.PSF-41845
PowerTeacher Pro - StandardsIn some cases when selecting Show More on the Standards Progress page, the information may take an excessive amount of time to appear. This issue is now resolved. PSF-40141
PowerTeacher Pro - StandardsIn some cases when running the Standards Grades Report, a 0kb file is generated and an error appears on the server. This issue is now resolved.PSF-40033

Removed Features/Future Deprecation

Legacy Look

In the PowerSchool SIS 2021 spring back-to-school release, the New Experience introduced in PowerSchool SIS version will be the only look that is available for the PowerSchool SIS Admin and PowerSchool SIS Teacher portals. The "classic look" will no longer be available. All users not already using the New Experience will be automatically transitioned. We are providing notification in advance so that districts have ample time to test and make changes to any impacted customizations.

(20.11) New Experience

PowerSchool Components

PowerSchool SIS is comprised of several software components, each versioned independently from one another. This allows for greater flexibility of component updates as new features and bug fixes become available. Some updates may include dependencies between components. These dependencies will be communicated and built into the component update installers to prevent PowerSchool SIS from being configured incorrectly. The following table identifies the version number for each PowerSchool SIS component in this release compared to the previous release:

ComponentVersion Number

PowerSchool SIS Server

PowerTeacher Gradebook






State Reporting

Report SDK

Amazon Corretto Java1.8u2621.8u262
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