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Add a Section Link Constraint

Use a Section Link constraint to specify that if students are enrolled in one course section, they must also be enrolled in another, specific course section.

  1. Navigate to the PowerScheduler page.
  2. Under Scheduling Setup, choose Constraints from the PowerScheduler menu.
  3. Under Load Constraints, choose Section Link.
  4. Click New.
  5. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Course Number 1

    Select the name of one of the courses for which you want to link a section.

    Section Number 1

    Enter the section number of the course in the Course Number 1 field that you want to link to another course section.

    Course Number 2

    Select the name of the other course for which you want to link a section.

    Section Number 2

    Enter the section number of the course in the Course Number 2 field that you want to link to the section in the Section Number 1 field.

  6. Click Submit.
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