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Transfer Students Back to Originating School (Direct Enrollment Only)

It is not necessary to transfer students back to their regular-term school. The End-of-Year process automatically moves the students from summer school to the pre-defined Next School and Next Grade. However, some schools may have the need to transfer students back to the regular-term school. At the end of summer school, transfer students back to the originating school before End-of-Year processing if applicable.

The End-of-Year Process has been modified to not include students with a Student.SummerSchoolID value in order to support the new Remote Summer School Enrollment process. The Student.SummerSchoolID must be removed before running the End-Of-Year process when using the Direct Enrollment method.

  1. Navigate to the Transfer Out of School page
  2. Enter an appropriate Date of Transfer and Exit Code. For field descriptions, refer to Transfer Students.
  3. Select the appropriate choice from Auto-Transfer School Options.
    • Choose Transfer to the last enrolled school (different from current) for each student (recommended) if you wish to transfer each student back to the school they were enrolled in before summer school.
    • Choose Transfer to [school] if you wish to ignore the student’s previous school and instead transfer those student to a specific school.

  4. Select Check here if student(s) intend to enroll in school during next school year to preserve the students' future scheduling information including course requests and next school indicator.
  5. Click Submit. PowerSchool notifies you that the student has been transferred.

If transferring students back to the originating school, you must re-enroll the student in the original (regular term) school prior to End-of-Year processing. Students who have been transferred back to the originating school but not fully enrolled in the school will not be affected by the End-of-Year process and will remain in the previous year school and previous year grade.

Students transferred to summer school retain their current grade level and are assigned the default FTE for the school and grade level. The previous school enrollment is moved to the ReEnrollments table in PowerSchool once the summer school enrollment process is complete.

Individual student transfers may fail in the event of the following conditions:

  • Transferring out of summer school to originating school if there are no previous enrollment records or if the student has no previous enrollments at other schools in the district.
  • Re-enrolling in originating school if they are in a grade with no default FTE defined in the current school and if they are already currently enrolled in another school.
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