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Screenings Setup

There are seven screenings for which you can set up student entry field display values: Hearing, Lead, Oral Health, Scoliosis, Tuberculosis, Vision and Color, and Vital Signs/Biometrics. Each screening includes a number of student entry fields for which the following display values may be defined: Display Value, State Report Name, and State Report Code. For State Report Name and State Report Code, you can enter the value specified by your state in your PowerSchool state reporting setup guide, the value specified by your district, or leave blank. Defined values appear on the Add Screening and Edit Screening dialogs on the Screenings page.

  1. Navigate to the All Screenings page.

  2. Click the screening type for which you want to add a display value. 

  3. Click Add next to the student entry field for which you want to add a display value.

  4. Enter information as needed.

  5. Click Add.

  6. Click Submit.

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