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Localization Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download.

Thailand Localization Release Notes

New Features and Enhancements



Thai Name Structure, Prefix , ethnicity, religion and nationality.

Upon the implementation of Thai localization, the system will appropriately activate or deactivate Thai-specific features based on the country selection during installation. To meet Thai cultural requirements and accommodate expatriate names, the software needs a refined approach to name structures. Thai names traditionally include a given name, family name, and nickname, without a middle name, utilizing distinct Thai characters. Users should input their names in both Thai and English, with the system storing and displaying these names correctly for students, contacts, staff, and teachers in reports and screens. However, to accommodate expatriate names, the middle name field will be retained as optional. The Thai name structure also includes prefixes, which are important indicators of social aspects such as social status, profession, gender, and marital status. Additionally, the system will support Thailand-specific details such as Ethnicity, Religion, National ID number, and Nationality.

The code sets for Prefix, Ethnicity, Religion and Nationality are pre-seeded with some initial data. However customers can update or add new codes based on their business need.

Thai Address Structure

The application will facilitate capturing and displaying Thai address formats based on the country selection during installation, thereby enhancing localized support and usability. The Thai address structure typically follows a defined format: it starts with the house number, followed by the village or building name, Moo, Alleyway, Soi, and Road (if applicable). Next, it lists the province, district (Amphoe), sub-district (Tambon) and Finally the address concludes with the postal code.

Thai Currency Code

With the implementation of Thai localization and Currency code setup in System Parameters at District level, the currency "Baht" is prominently displayed in all monetary transactions, user interfaces, and forms where amounts are captured or shown.

Thai Object Reports

Thai localization supports ten object reports, available in both English and Thai languages. These reports accommodate the Thai name structure, Thai currency code, and Thai address format.

Power Query Data Access Tags

Some fields aren’t directly accessible from the person tables in student-related object reports. Additionally, existing contact information data is not supported for certain fields. To resolve this issue, new Power Query DATs are provided for Object Reports.

International Installer

The installer design incorporates both core and country-specific elements to ensure that the software not only meets the foundational requirements for functionality but also adheres to localization and customization needs.

Known Issues


Issue Description 


  1. Does not support searching of Students and Staff based on Thai name format. The Thai format includes a prefix, given name (first name), optional middle name, family name/surname (last name), and nickname in brackets.

  2. Names in the search suggestion dropdown for students and staff are not displaying in Thai format, still appearing as Last, First and Middle.

  3. The search results are not sorted based on Thai format. For Thai, the sort order should be by first name using locale-specific sorting."


Display name should be in Thai format in alert validation messages.

Configuration Changes



Setup right Numeric and Currency Format

Select District Office-> System Management-> System Locales-> Select Thai Locale-> In Currency format dropdown
select #,##0.00 and save changes.

Setup Currency Code and Symbol

Select District Office-> District Management-> Display Preferences-> Units and Alphabet Filer->Add currency name as “Baht” and symbol as “ ฿”

Adding Translation for “Baht”

Select  District Office-> System Management-> Localization->Localize Powerschool->Go to data->Select Locale as Thai->
Select Functional area as Powerschool Customer Defined data->Select Category as Currency Name-> Enter “Baht” in specific text box and select contains in dropdown -> Enter the Translated text and submit the changes.

Import Code Set Translation Values of Province, District, Sub-District, Nationality values to Thai locale.

Select System Management → Localization → Import Localization->Click on Browse and select the  downloaded zip file->Select Locale as Thai,
Type as Translation package and Character Set as UTF-8->Click on Import

Displaying Thai values in Object Reports for PDF

Select District Office-> System Management-> Reports->System reports->Report Queue Preference-> Check “Use Advanced PDF Processing” checkbox

PowerSchool Components

Localization version, includes the Localized package for Thailand. This has dependencies on PowerSchool SIS Core version To install the Thai Localized package version, the core PowerSchool SIS version must first be installed. Customers will have to install or request Cloudops for installing Thai Localization separately on top of PowerSchool SIS Core version

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