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Saudi Arabia PowerSchool SIS product help

The following product help is specific to the Saudi Arabia localization. Some information here may contradict non-Saudi Arabia product help since the PowerSchool SIS system has been customized for Saudi Arabia and may function differently than other localizations.

Student profile

Refer to Student Profile for general information.

On the Addresses page:

  • The Home Address and Mailing Address section of the page will present the Saudi Arabia address structure typically follows a defined format: it starts with the Building Number, Street Name, District/Neighborhood, City, Postal Code, Additional Number (optional) – could be used to capture National Address code comprising of 4 alphabets and 4 numbers, Province/Region and Country.

  • All fields will enforce mandatory constraint only when any one of these fields have data entered: Building Number, Street Name, District/Neighborhood, City, Postal Code, Province/Region.

  • Country field is defaulted to “Saudi Arabia” based on configuration of the “ Default country for Student Demographics” attribute setup to “Saudi Arabia” in Additional System Preferences

  • Address validation through the Validate button is supported.

  • The Province selection will automatically populate all provinces in Saudi Arabia based on the Country selection.

On the Demographics Page

  • The Students Name is composed of following fields based on the Saudi Arabia tradition to signify individual identity, lineage and tribal affiliation.

    1. Given Name (Ism) - mapped to First Name : This is the individual's first name assigned at birth;

    2. Father's Name (Nasab) - mapped to Middle Name : Following the given name, it often includes the word "ibn" (son of) or "bint" (daughter of) followed by the father's given name;

    3. Grandfather's Name (Nasab) - mapped to Third Name: Sometimes added after the father's name for further identification.

    4. Tribal or Family Name (Nisbah) - mapped to Last Name : This final part of the name indicates the person’s larger family or tribal affiliation, reflecting their heritage and lineage.

  • Given Name, Father’s Name and Tribal or Family Name are mandatory and Grand Father’s name is optional

  • The student’s name is recorded in both English and Arabic. There is a separate set of fields for capturing the name in each language. If the default locale preference is set to English Language, then the alternate language fields are designated for the Arabic name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in Arabic". Conversely, if the default locale preference is set to Arabic, then the alternate language fields are designated for the English name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in English".

  • Address fields on the Address page are also presented in the same manner on the Demographics page.

  • Other Demographic details :

    • Country of Birth, National ID , Nationality, Passport number and Passport expiry date fields are introduced

    • Social Security Number (SSN) is replaced by State Student Number and labeled National ID.

    • The Nationality dropdown list is available with UN approved nationalities.

Federal ethnicity and race management work with students

Refer to Federal Ethnicity and Race Management Work with Students for general information.

  • There are no race, ethnicity and religion fields.

  • Contacts and other details:

    • Father Name, Father's Day Phone, Father's Employer, Father's Home Phone, Mother Name, Mother's Day Phone, Mother's Employer, and Mother's Home Phone are automatically populated from the contacts related to the student.

Manage Contacts

Refer to Manage Contacts for general information.

On New Contacts page:

  • The Contact Name is composed of Given Name, Father’s Name, Grand Father name (optional), and Tribal or Family Name fields based on the Saudi Arabia tradition to signify individual identity, lineage and tribal affiliation.

  • The Contact’s name is recorded in both English and Arabic. There is a separate set of fields for capturing the name in each language. If the default locale preference is set to English Language, then the alternate language fields are designated for the Arabic name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in Arabic". Conversely, if the default locale preference is set to Arabic, then the alternate language fields are designated for the English name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in English".

  • Students section will display the Student name in English or Arabic based on the Locale preferences setup the user is using.

  • National ID and Nationality with the dropdown list containing the UN approved nationalities is made available.

  • Address fields on the Students Address page are also presented in the same manner on the Add Address page navigated from Contact’s Demographics page.

Staff profile

Refer to Staff Information for general information.

On the Demographics Page

  • The Saff Name is composed of following fields based on the Saudi Arabia tradition to signify individual identity, lineage and tribal affiliation.

    1. Prefix

    2. Given Name (Ism) - mapped to First Name : This is the individual's first name assigned at birth;

    3. Father's Name (Nasab) - mapped to Middle Name : Following the given name, it often includes the word "ibn" (son of) or "bint" (daughter of) followed by the father's given name;

    4. Grandfather's Name (Nasab) - mapped to Third Name: Sometimes added after the father's name for further identification.

    5. Tribal or Family Name (Nisbah) - mapped to Last Name : This final part of the name indicates the person’s larger family or tribal affiliation, reflecting their heritage and lineage.

  • Given Name, Father’s Name and Tribal or Family Name are mandatory and Grand Father’s name is optional

  • The staff name is recorded in both English and Arabic. There is a separate set of fields for capturing the name in each language. If the default locale preference is set to English Language, then the alternate language fields are designated for the Arabic name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in Arabic". Conversely, if the default locale preference is set to Arabic, then the alternate language fields are designated for the English name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in English".

  • Address fields

    • The Home Address and Mailing Address section of the page will present the Saudi Arabia address structure typically follows a defined format: it starts with the Building Number, Street Name,  District/Neighborhood,  City, Postal Code, Additional Number (optional) – could be used to capture National Address code comprising of 4 alphabets and 4 numbers, Province/Region and Country.

    • All fields will enforce mandatory constraint only when any one of these fields have data entered: Building Number, Street Name, District/Neighborhood, City, Postal Code, Province/Region.

    • Country field is defaulted to “Saudi Arabia” based on configuration of the “ Default country for Student Demographics” attribute setup to “Saudi Arabia” in Additional System Preferences

    • The Province selection will automatically populate all provinces in Saudi Arabia based on the Country selection.

  • Other Demographic details :

    • National ID and Nationality fields are introduced

    • The Nationality dropdown list is available with UN approved nationalities.

Federal ethnicity and race management work with Staff

Refer to Federal Ethnicity and Race Management Work with Staff for general information.

  • There are no race, ethnicity and religion fields.

New staff members

Refer to New Staff Members for general information.

  • Staff name has the fields Given Name, Father’s Name , Grand Father name (optional), and Tribal or Family Name fields based on the Saudi Arabia tradition to signify individual identity, lineage and tribal affiliation.

  • The Staff name is recorded in both English and Arabic. There is a separate set of fields for capturing the name in each language. If the default locale preference is set to English Language, then the alternate language fields are designated for the Arabic name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in Arabic". Conversely, if the default locale preference is set to Arabic, then the alternate language fields are designated for the English name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in English".

  • Home Address and Mailing Address have the fields Building Number, Street Name, District/Neighborhood, City, Postal Code, Additional Number (optional) – could be used to capture National Address code comprising of 4 alphabets and 4 numbers, Province/Region and Country.

  • National ID and Nationality with the dropdown list containing the UN approved nationalities is made available.

  • Social Security Number is hidden.

Enroll students

Refer to Enroll Students for general information.

  • Student's Name format has the fields Given Name, Father’s Name, Grand Father name (optional), and Tribal or Family Name fields based on the Saudi Arabia tradition to signify individual identity, lineage and tribal affiliation.

  • The Student name is recorded in both English and Arabic. There is a separate set of fields for capturing the name in each language. If the default locale preference is set to English Language, then the alternate language fields are designated for the Arabic name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in Arabic". Conversely, if the default locale preference is set to Arabic, then the alternate language fields are designated for the English name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in English".

  • National ID field is available instead of SSN. This field can be used for the National ID

  • Duplicate search will use the following format:

    • Mother Name (Given Name, Middle Name, Surname)

    • Father Name (Given Name, Middle Name, Surname)

    • Guardian's Name (Given Name, Surname)

    • Sibling's Name (Given Name, Surname)

    • National ID

  • Home Address have the fields Building Number, Street Name,  District/Neighborhood,  City, Postal Code, Additional Number (optional) – could be used to capture National Address code comprising of 4 alphabets and 4 numbers, Province/Region and Country.

  • Address validation through the Validate button is supported.

New Course

Refer to Courses and Programs Management for general information.

  • The Course name is recorded in both English and Arabic. There is a separate set of fields for capturing the name in each language. If the default locale preference is set to English Language, then the alternate language fields are designated for the Arabic name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in Arabic". Conversely, if the default locale preference is set to Arabic, then the alternate language fields are designated for the English name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in English".

School Information

Refer to School Information for general information.

On the Add/Edit a School page:

  • The School name, Principal name, Assistant/Vice Principal name, and Registrar name are recorded in both English and Arabic. There is a separate set of fields for capturing the name fields in each language. If the default locale preference is set to English Language, then the alternate language fields are designated for the Arabic name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in Arabic". Conversely, if the default locale preference is set to Arabic, then the alternate language fields are designated for the English name, and the field label is indicated as "Name in English".

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