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Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express

PowerSchool Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express version will be available as of 03/10/2025.

Resolved Issues

Product Area



Parent - Form Submission with Multiple Choice Element

When parents attempted to submit a form containing a required Multiple-Choice Element within the Enhanced Collection Table element mapped to a One to Many extension field, the system failed to recognize the response data submitted for the element and showed an error “missing required field”, which blocked the form submission. This has been resolved.


Parent - Form Submission - Required Fields

When parents select 'Save For Later' on a form and attempt to submit it later, they receive a message indicating missing required fields, even when there are no missing required fields and all required form questions have been answered. This has been resolved.


Parent - Form Submission - Element Visibility

When parents attempt to submit a form, they encounter an error if there are form elements configured to be visible only to the administrators and marked as required. Upon submission, a partial element becomes visible to the parent with an error message, blocking their ability to submit the form. This has been resolved.


JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.