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Export/Edit User Access Role

Use the Export/Edit tab on the Edit User Access Roles page to define data sources for a specific user. These access levels only apply to exporting, previewing, and editing with data export functions.

  1. Navigate to the User Roles page.
  2. Click User Access
  3. Click the name of the role you want to edit. 
  4. Click Export/Edit
  5. In the Settings section:
    • Select Default Access Level - Export to permit users assigned to this role to export content from any data source set to use the default settings.
    • Select Default Access Level - Edit Data Export Manager (DEM) to permit users assigned to this role to edit content from any extensions set to use the default settings. 
    • Select User can set up and run scheduled system templates to permit users assigned to this role to set up and run scheduled templates.
  6. Use the filter to narrow the list of data sources, if needed.
  7. In the search results section:
    • If the data source is a PowerQuery, it appears as a link. In order for the data set to be available in the Data Export Manager, click the link, and then click Apply to grant this role access to the data set and all tables listed.

    • Select Use Defaults in the header row to apply the Default Access Level to all filtered data sources or select the checkbox next to each data source to apply individually.

    • Select Export in the header row to permit exporting of all filtered data sources or select the checkbox next to each data source to apply individually.

    • Select Edit (DEM) in the header row to permit editing extension content of all filtered data sources or select the checkbox next to each data source to apply individually. 

  8. Click Save.

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