PowerSchool SIS
PowerSchool SIS version is available as of September 12, 2024. This release is considered a minor feature/maintenance release. When the installers are available for download, an announcement will be posted on PowerSchool SIS Release Notification on PowerSchool Community.
Starting with the release, the option to turn off the Enhanced User Interface is removed, and the Enhanced UI is the only interface available for PowerSchool SIS. Versions prior to 24.5 will still include the Classic User Interface. To learn more about the Enhanced User Interface, refer to FAQs: PowerSchool SIS Enhanced User Interface Webinar on Community.
Customizations might be affected by the Enhanced UI and may need to be adjusted. Technical Contacts can find Developer resources on the PowerSchool Developer site.
📣 Need resources for your staff? Check out the new Admin User Training video. This training link should not be posted on any public websites and should not be copied, distributed, or reproduced in whole or in part, or passed to any third party without PowerSchool written consent.
New Features and Enhancements
Feature or Product Area | Description | Learn More |
Contacts | To better support customers who moved to Contacts, an option has been added to hide Original Contact Types (OCT) in common areas of PowerSchool SIS. The Disable Original Contact Types (Mother, Father, Emergency, and Guardian) setting can be enabled on the Additional System Preferences page. When enabled, the following effects occur:
The Original Contact Type can still be accessed when editing a Student on a Contact.
The Guardians student page is renamed to Guardian Info independent of the setting. The Mother, Father, Emergency, and Guardian Original Contact Type fields can still be imported and exported with this feature enabled. It is recommended this feature only be enabled if the District is no longer using Original Contact Types. | |
Data Dictionary | The Street and City fields in the Users table have been increased to a 100 character length. The RegistrarName field in the Schools table has been increased to a 305 character length, and the SchoolAddress, SchoolCity, and Name fields in the Schools table have been increased to a 100 character length. | |
Enhanced User Interface | Admins will now have the ability to click back to the previous page when navigating Teacher Schedules and Course Sections in the Enhanced User Interface. | |
Imports | Incidents can now be deleted via the Incidents import in the data import manager. Incident ID must be included in the import with #delete Incident Title field for the incident to be deleted. Please note that the incident will be fully deleted with this action. | |
Notifications | When configuring a Student Added to Incident application event notification, Admins can now use additional condition fields to narrow notifications to specific behavior, object, action, or attribute codes and sub codes. | |
Notifications | A Consecutive Absences by student application event is now available on the Notifications configuration page. This event will only trigger if the Consecutive Absences Notification is configured on the Attendance Preferences page. Once a day, a notification will be sent for each student with an active consecutive absence streak. | |
Notifications | Change History for Notifications can now be enabled on the Enable Change History page. | |
PowerTeacher Pro - Easier Navigation Between Students | When teachers are reviewing a student’s progress, they can now use navigational buttons to quickly change between students, saving time when needing to review the same information for multiple students. Keyboard shortcuts have also been added for easier navigation between students:
| |
Reporting Terms | When deleting reporting terms, an alert specific to PowerTeacher Gradebook would show indicating certain records would be deleted. This alert has been removed as it does not apply to PowerTeacher Pro. | |
Tasks | Reminders can now be set to notify users when a Task is due. If a completed status has not been set on the Notifications and Tasks Setup page, reminders may be sent for tasks that appear complete. | |
Tasks | Archived tasks can now be viewed in their own tab from the My Tasks and Task Management pages. | |
Test Results | This new feature allows teachers to enter test results for their classes for the tests they are authorized to access. They can easily review individual student test results in the Teacher Portal. Administrators can enable test visibility and entry on individual tests. Administrators can:
| |
Years and Terms | The Live and PowerScheduler Years and Terms pages have been updated to list years in descending order. The table has also been updated to be sortable. | |
Advanced Reports | It is now possible to edit an Advanced Report catalog directly from the Edit Report drawer that a report is associated with. |
Resolved Issues
Product Area | Description | Reference |
Academic Career Plan | The Academic Career Plan completion status within the Graduation Planner is now properly reflected. | PSF-101474 |
Access Roles | Resolved an issue where removing roles from two or more schools on the Admin Access and Roles page resulted in an error and prevented changes from being saved. Users can now successfully modify roles across multiple schools without encountering errors. | PSF-103063 |
Attendance | All users will now see the blue information box indicating the missed minutes when entering a Clock Out attendance record. | PSF-78098 |
Attendance Tracking & Notification | The Attendance Tracking & Notification reports have been updated and will now pull data for schools using (DPTTD) Daily Percent, Time-To-Day attendance. | PSSR-342453 |
Bell Schedule | An issue where the Delete button was not visible in Bell Schedules when the name contained special characters such as a semicolon or colon has been resolved. | PSF-104414 |
Code Sets | Health Code sets with Overridden Page Permission set to Edit can now be saved. | PSF-103780 |
Consecutive Absence | Consecutive absence count is now properly calculated by excluding days when a track is not in session. | PSF-94281 |
Contacts | Contact with Access account can be opened when it contains larger value for alternate schools number. Additional field validation for alternate school numbers have been added to prevent errors. | PSF-96914 |
Data Export Manager | In the data export manager, health office visits will now include the VisitReason. | PSF-100217 |
Data Export Manager | Data Export Manager will no longer duplicate the export for Student Course data. | PSF-96341 |
Discipline Log | The Discipline Log report will now only include data from the selected school. | PSF-15612 |
District Info | The District Info page now accepts various Zip code formats up to 10 characters. | PSF-15655 |
Fees | Fees tab is now read only from the Courses page when the District Office option is selected. | PSF-97914 |
Graduation Plan | The Current Grade now displays as a properly formatted percentage, ensuring clarity and consistency across the platform. | PSF-88955 |
Graduation Plan Progress Report | The Graduation Plan Progress report performance is improved when run for a large number of students. | PSF-94168 |
Health | Within the student health pages, the Tube Feedings and Catheters Monitoring pages have been updated and will now display all records that are created for the student. | PSSR-357087 |
Import/Export | The same AutoComm/AutoSend can no longer be executed multiple times until the first one completes. This restriction is per AutoComm/AutoSend. Running the same AutoComm/AutoSend can result in partial files being exported due to overwriting or database locks. An alert will be shown to the user that the AutoComm/AutoSend is already in progress. | PSF-106477 |
Incidents | The performance of the students incident screens have been improved when a large number of code types exist. | PSF-106854 |
Mobile Registration | Mobile registration no longer fails if the OpenID Connect (OIDC) process wasn’t completed. | PSF-105854 |
Multi Day Attendance | Admin will now be able to update the attendance using Multi-Day Attendance, even if an inactive/dropped out student is present in the student list. | PSF-92212 |
Notifications | An issue with class registration notifications has been resolved. | PSF-105725 |
Notifications | An issue with Notification timestamps has been resolved. | PSF-104775 |
Notifications | Notification emails will no longer be sent to inactive staff. | PSF-104750 |
Page Permissions | Page permissions are now honored for Daily Bulletin Setup. | PSF-103194 |
Page Permissions | Configure Page Permissions for All Groups is no longer blank. | PSF-99455 |
PowerScheduler | The Exclude from Attendance sections setting copies as expected when committing a schedule. | PSF-106176 |
PowerScheduler | When committing a schedule, an error no longer occurs if part of a section's expression is invalid. | PSF-104289 |
Quick Search Students Update | The Quick Search for Special Education for a student did not return a properly rendered page on the Non-Reported tab. This is fixed and the page is correct. | PSF-104549 |
Reporting | The SRP (State Reporting Platform) framework has been updated and SRP report will now run and complete as expected when end users are using a different date format (in System Locales). | PSSR-357675 |
Reports | The following issues have been resolved when Use Advanced PDF Processing is enabled:
| PSF-106254 |
SSO OIDC Plugin | When the OIDC Plugin is enabled, users can now properly export persona mappings (Contact, Staff, Student, Teacher) via the Data Export Manager. | PSF-104298 |
Student Transfer | When an administrator is completing the Transfer Out of School function for a student, the enter key will now work properly when entering a text comment. | PSF-15601 |
Students | An issue managing Invalid Requests for student names containing an apostrophe has been resolved. | PSF-102015 |
Tasks | Tasks will now be assigned correctly when generated from an email-only Notification. | PSF-105727 |
Third-party Library Upgrades | Various Third-party libraries used by PowerSchool have been updated.
| PSF-105908, PSF-102606 |
Update Course Staff | When using the Update Course Staff Function to change the Lead Teacher on the current date, the CC.TeacherID field is now getting updated with the current Teachers ID. | PSF-105667 |
Update Course Staff | Failure errors occurring when completing the Update Course Staff function have been resolved. | PSF-104416 |
Update Course Staff | If a teacher has courses in a future term, when an administrator is reassigning staff to courses and sets an end date prior to the future terms start date, the assignment would fail. | PSF-104083 |
PowerSchool Components
PowerSchool SIS comprises several software components, each versioned independently. Independent versioning allows for greater flexibility of component updates as new features and bug fixes become available. Some updates may include dependencies between components. These dependencies will be communicated and built into the component update installers to prevent PowerSchool SIS from being misconfigured. The following table identifies the version number for each PowerSchool SIS component in this release compared to the previous release:
Component | Version Number | |
| | |
PowerSchool SIS Server | | |
ReportWorks | | |
Desktop PowerScheduler | 3.1.0 | 3.1.0 |
Oracle | 19c | 19c |
State Reporting | | |
Report SDK | | |
Amazon Corretto Java | 1.8u402 | 1.8u402 |
Apache Tomcat | 9.0.87 | 9.0.87 |