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Notifications and tasks setup

Use the Notifications and Tasks Setup page to configure district preferences for Notifications and Tasks. The general settings apply to both.

General settings

Set the daily processing time to indicate what time of the day automatic processes such as archiving tasks will run. For example, if the daily processing time is set to 8:00 AM and tasks are set to archive 10 days after completion, tasks will be archived at 8:00 AM on the 10th day after being marked completed.


Hiding in-app notifications will remove the Notifications icon from the header in the respective application. If notifications are still enabled from the Notifications page, they will still run and send, but users will not be notified of them or able to access them from the application.


At least one status must indicate task completion. Tasks with any status indicating completion will be archived automatically after the set number of days. For example, if the status In Progress is set to indicate completion and completed tasks are set to archive after 10 days, then tasks marked as In Progress will be automatically archived after 10 days.

Tasks statuses are the code set TaskAssignmentStatus. To create custom statuses, refer to Code Sets.

Ensure statuses are correctly set up on the Notifications and Tasks Setup page. Tasks will only stop sending reminders and be archived if the task’s status is set to indicate completion.

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