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Manage Form Field Security

Use field security to prohibit PowerSchool fields from being linked to in a form. This is a separate field security option from the SIS core field security setup. When editing a form and linking PowerSchool fields, the fields on the Field Security list are visible but not available to link. Links on forms created before the field was added to this list will no longer allow forms to save data to this field. The user can still enter data into the form element, but the value will no longer be written to the PowerSchool database. All other form data will submit.

  1. From the Start Page, choose System Management, Forms, then Manage Form Field Security.
  2. To add a restricted PowerSchool field:
    1. Click New.
    2. Type the field name in the Value field or select Fields to select from a list of PowerSchool fields.
    3. Click Submit.
  3. To update a restricted PowerSchool field:
    1. Select the Field name.
    2. Update the field name in the Value field or select Fields to select from a list of PowerSchool fields.
    3. Click Submit.
  4. Click Submit
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