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Manage Teacher Portal Permission

Use this page to enable or disable creating, editing, and deleting forms on the Teacher portal.

  1. From the Start Page, choose System Management, Forms, then Manage Teacher Portal Permission.

  2. To enable the feature:

    1. Select the option to Enable the creation, editing, and deletion of forms on the Teacher Portal.

      • This option is enabled by default.

    2. Click Submit.

  3. To disable the feature:

    1. Clear the option Enable the creation, editing, and deletion of forms on the Teacher Portal.

    2. Click Submit.

      • When the user logs in to the Teacher portal, they will no longer see the My Forms tab or have access to the New Forms, Edit, and Delete buttons.

      • Prior to disabling this option, admins must ensure that any existing forms created by users on the Teacher portal are either deleted or unpublished.

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