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Office Visits

Use the Office Visits page to view and enter office visit information for a student. The page lists office visits for the start and end dates of the selected term.

Only the Students current school Office Visits will show on this screen unless the Display Office Visits and Screenings entered at other schools setting is enabled at the District Office.

  1. Navigate to the Office Visits page.
  2. To add an office visit entry:
    1. Click Add.
    2. Enter information in each of the sections as needed.

      • Provider Type refers to the person conducting the office visit, such as School Nurse, Outside Doctor, County Health Official.
      • Parent Contacted indicates whether the student's parent is contacted as a result of the office visit.
      • Assessment refers to how the medical issue or injury is evaluated.
      • You can select multiple options for Visit Reason, Assessment, Visit Outcome/ Action, Procedure, and Treatment.
    3. Click Save.
  3. Click View Change Log to view change reason history.
  4. Click Change History to view the change history for this page. Change History must be enabled.
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