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PowerSchool SIS

PowerSchool SIS version is available as of 8/10/2020:

Resolved Issues

PowerSchool Admin - Contacts

In some instances, duplicate contacts may be created when importing into the Students table. This issue can occur even when not importing contact data. This issue occurs for contacts who have a middle name defined and are set as an original contact type for:

  • Mother
  • Father
  • Emergency Contact 1
  • Emergency Contact 2
  • Emergency Contact 3

This issue stems from a separate issue where "Smith, Jane Doe" is saved as "Smith, Jane D." in the students table.

With this release the following changes have been made to resolve the above scenarios:

  • The Mother, Father, Emerg_Contact_1, Emerg_Contact_2, Emerg_Contact_3 field values will now be updated to be Last, First Middle_Name and be truncated to the max size of the field on application startup after the upgrade. This will only update fields where the value ends in a period.
  • The remapping logic will now save the full Last, First Middle, and truncated as needed, instead of Last, First MI.
  • The remapping logic used to determine if the value has been changed has been updated. When comparing the values, they will now be based on the legacy table field size.
  • Legacy student pages will now show the the field value truncated at the appropriate field size. This allows for legacy student pages to be submitted when contact names are longer than 60 characters. The remapping logic will take the field size into account during the comparison to determine if the value has changed.
PowerSchool Admin - Attendance

In some cases after upgrading to PowerSchool or higher, the Tardy counts displayed in pages, such as Quick Look Up, may not accurately reflect the counts in the Attendance table. This issue can occur when the ID value in the Code_Entity table does not match the DCID. This issue has been resolved.

Note: In environments where this occurred the CurrentAbsences and CurrentTardies fields in the CC table may need to be recalculated using the Recalculate attendance option in Special Operation.

PowerSchool Admin - Batch Address ValidationWhen running the Batch Address Validation function for multiple students. the process may fail to complete. This issue is now resolved.PSF-32053
PowerSchool Admin - End of Summer ProcessAfter upgrading to PowerSchool, the End of Summer School Process does not run as expected. This issue is now resolved.PSF-31744

Known Issues


PowerSchool Admin - Parent Portal Web Accounts Integration with Student Contacts

When attempting to update an existing Parent Access Account via import that has the required username and email address fields already created, that parent’s rows will fail to import if it has the account username but not the account email address or vice versa.

Workaround: Do one of the following:

    • Include both username and email address when updating an existing parent access account via import.
    • Include neither username and email address when updating an existing parent access account via import.

Note: This issue is slated to be resolved in


PowerSchool Admin - Parent Portal Web Accounts Integration with Student Contacts

When exporting data, if the contact does not have an access account, the Allow Data Access field is populated with the value FALSE, which indicates that data access is disabled. Instead, this exported value should be Null to indicate that it was not set.

Workaround: Do one of the following:

    • Do not import the Allow Data Access field for contacts without a web access account.
    • On import file, set the Allow Data Access field to null.

Note: This issue is slated to be resolved in


PowerSchool Admin - System ReportsPowerSchool has identified an issue where the names of the new reports sometimes display incorrectly. We are looking into this issue, and a fix will be included in an upcoming release.--

PowerSchool Components

PowerSchool SIS is comprised of several software components, each versioned independently from one another. This allows for greater flexibility of component updates as new features and bug fixes become available. Some updates may include dependencies between components. These dependencies will be communicated and built into the component update installers to prevent PowerSchool SIS from being configured incorrectly. The following table identifies the version number for each PowerSchool SIS component in this release compared to the previous release:

ComponentVersion Number

PowerSchool SIS Server

PowerTeacher Gradebook






State Reporting

Report SDK




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