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Data Import Queue

Use the Data Import Queue to view the results of import jobs that you have submitted using the Data Import Manager. When you submit an import request to the system, the system captures the import request and transmits the job to the Data Import Queue. The Data Import Queue page displays the status of the import job as it is processed by the system. The Scheduled Templates section includes templates specific to your selected school or district context.

Use the Data Import Queue

  1. Navigate to the Data Import Queue page
  2. Click Refresh to update the status of the queue. To set the automatic page refresh:
    1. On the Refresh button, click the arrow.
    2. Select the unit of time for the automatic page updates: 30 seconds, one minute, five minutes, or 10 minutes. A countdown clock appears on the Refresh button and displays the time until the page updates, based on your selection.
    3. To cancel the automatic page refresh, click the arrow and select the Cancel button.
  3. Click the Status to view the Import Results page.
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