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Daily Time Exclusion Calculation Rules

The following rules apply only if a student is enrolled in at least one local class for any attendance date. If all periods are remote or unscheduled in PowerSchool, the student receives zero attendance minutes for the day, since they are not at the assigned school on that date.

Attendance calculations are dependent on the following:



Bell schedule (for each day based on the school calendar)

  • Bridge period time range (the maximum daily attendance minutes possible). Any scheduled time outside of the bridge period start and end times are ignored and do not apply to the total minutes.
  • Period time lengths.
  • Time gaps (if any) between the periods.
  • ADA exclusion setting.
  • Overlapping bell schedule periods are not supported within one bell schedule

Student schedule

  • Assigned school enrollments on a given day.
  • Remote section enrollments.
  • Unscheduled periods.
  • Sections excluded from ADA.
    Note: Double-booked and overlapping student enrollments are not supported.

Deduct Passing Time attendance preference setting

  • If Deduct Passing Time preference is set to No:
    • The only deductions that are made are for ADA-excluded periods and sections if a student is enrolled locally in that section.
    • No deductions are made for passing time, which includes the time for unscheduled periods, remote sections, and time outside of student scheduled time that is within the bridge period time range.
  • If Deduct Passing Time preference is set to Yes - After All Meetings:
    • All ADA excluded periods and sections are deducted from the attendance calculation.
    • All unscheduled periods are deducted (considered as passing time) from the attendance calculation.
    • All remote sections are deducted (considered as passing time) from the attendance calculation.
    • All passing time is deducted (gaps between periods) from the attendance calculation.
    • Time outside student-scheduled time that is within the bridge period time range is deducted from the attendance calculation.
  • If Deduct Passing Time attendance preference is set to Yes - After ADA Excluded Meetings Only:
    • Only excluded periods and sections and any immediately following passing time is deducted (time gaps, unscheduled periods, and remote sections).
    • All deducted time must be either an ADA excluded period or section, passing time, or unscheduled or remote periods in a contiguous unbroken manner (all follow one another in sequence in the schedule) until either an ADA included period and section, or the last period is encountered (whichever occurs first).

      ADA exclusion is not applicable to a remote section or unscheduled period.

Daily attendance with and without attendance time records entered directly

  • If no Time_In/Time_Out values are entered, then the calculations are the same as those for bridged daily attendance.
  • If any attendance time ranges are entered, they must be within the time range set in the bridge period. PowerSchool alerts users if this is violated.
  • The calculated time ranges are stored in the fields:
    • Attendance_Time.Total_Minutes displays the total for just one time range.
    • Attendance.Total_Minutes displays the sum of all the Attendance_Time time ranges that are related to the "parent" attendance table daily attendance record.
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