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Contact Tracing Report

The Contact Tracing Report provides a list of students and staff that may have been in contact with a student who has been recently diagnosed with an infectious disease. This report is intended to be run for a period of up to two weeks and for a single student or a small group of selected students (up to ten). This report can only be run at the District level.

  1. Navigate to the System Reports page.
  2. Click Contact Tracing.
  3. Choose The Selected # Students Only.
  4. Enter the Start Date and End Date
  5. Select how you want the information grouped: 
    • Classes includes the classes the student has been enrolled in, including any that were dropped; teachers associated with each of those classes; other students associated with each of those classes, including students who dropped those classes; and any concurrent enrollment or classes at other classes the student attended.

    • Busing includes the student's school bus route assignments, including any changes to route assignments and other students associated with those bus routes, including students who switched from those routes.

    • Incident includes the date, time, and location of the incident and any people associated with that incident.

  6. Choose the Output Type.
  7. Click Submit. View the completed report on the Report Queue page.
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