PowerSchool SIS
PowerSchool SIS version is available as of July 26, 2024. This release is considered a minor feature/maintenance release. When the installers are available for download, an announcement will be posted on PowerSchool SIS Release Notification on PowerSchool Community.
Starting with the release, the option to turn off the Enhanced User Interface is removed, and the Enhanced UI is the only interface available for PowerSchool SIS. Versions prior to 24.5 will still include the Classic User Interface. To learn more about the Enhanced User Interface, refer to FAQs: PowerSchool SIS Enhanced User Interface Webinar on Community.
Customizations might be affected by the Enhanced UI and may need to be adjusted. Technical Contacts can find Developer resources on the PowerSchool Developer site.
📣 Need resources for your staff? Check out the new Admin User Training video. This training link should not be posted on any public websites and should not be copied, distributed, or reproduced in whole or in part, or passed to any third party without PowerSchool written consent.
New Features and Enhancements
Feature or Product Area | Description | Learn More |
Create Staff | The New Staff Member page now supports database extensions. | |
Enterprise Reporting | The new Monitoring Type tables (released with the Enhanced Monitoring Type functionality in PowerSchool SIS 24.6) are now available within Enterprise Reporting. | |
Export | All export pages within PowerSchool SIS will now show the following statement: “By performing an export on this page of Customer Data from this institution's instance of PowerSchool SIS, you are expressly warranting that you have the authority from the applicable institution, the data controller of the Customer Data, to conduct this export. Moreover, you acknowledge and indemnify PowerSchool from any claim resulting from your action to export the data to another location. You assume all responsibility for the security of the Customer Data in the location where the Customer Data is to be exported. Finally, you acknowledge that PowerSchool will log your scheduling of the export from this page.” Additionally a feature to restrict access to users without roles defined was intended to be released with this PowerSchool SIS release, but was unintentionally released in version User roles should be assigned to users to properly restrict access to the tables. Customers can create User Access roles defining the tables a user should have access to and apply these roles to users who need Export, DDE, and DDA access. | |
Localization | Admins can now turn on a district preference to allow admin and teacher users to change their display language based on available district locales while signed in. | |
Notifications | Admins can now add dynamic text to a notification indicating the user that made the triggering change in the system. | |
Notifications | When notifications are being distributed to recipients using security access roles, the recipient list will now be restricted to users granted the role at the relevant school. | |
Notifications | When configuring a Student Added to Incident application event notification, Admins can now use additional condition fields to create incident threshold notifications. | |
Reporting | As part of PowerSchool SIS, improvements were made to support UTF-8 characters and Right-to-Left (RTL) printing. Starting with this release, the Use Advanced PDF Processing on the Report Queue Preferences page will be enabled by default. A new QR Code Object Report object has also been added to allow the embedding of QR codes in an Object Report. The following areas are impacted by the enabling of the advanced PDF processing and may result in slight report rendering differences, particularly around fonts and font spacing:
The following Font support enhancements have been implemented to enable support UTF-8 when Use Advanced PDF Processing is enabled:
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Student | While enrolling a student using SIS admin pages, State Student Number will now be included and used while searching for duplicates. State Student Number will also appear on the Student Demographics page. | |
System | The Attendance Nightly Diagnostics page has been updated to display the start and end times based on the application time instead of the database time. | |
Tasks | Admins can now assign shared tasks from an individual back to the group. | |
Tasks | Admins can now notify task assignees when edits are made to a task from the Task Management page. | |
Tasks | Admins can now add dynamic text to notification triggered tasks. | |
Tasks | Admins and teachers can now go straight to a task from the corresponding notification. | |
Tasks | Task preferences have moved to District Management, District Setup, Notifications and Tasks Setup. This also applies to Notification preferences. Admins can now configure which task statuses will trigger a task to archive, as well as the timeframe for task archiving and deletion.
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Update Course Staff | A new Update Additional Course Staff End Date option is now available on the Update Course Staff page. This process will add end dates to the additional course staff’s selected course sections. |
Resolved Issues
Product Area | Description | Reference |
Back navigation for School Enrollment Audit | Clicking the breadcrumb link on the School Enrollment Audit page will now navigate to System Reports. | PSF-102914 |
General | The following improvements have been made:
| PSF-103407 |
Incident Management | An incident with the same behavior code and different subcodes will now import successfully. | PSF-103243 |
Notifications | A loading issue with the Notifications list page has been resolved. | PSF-104237 |
Parent Portal | When teachers utilize whitelisted HTML objects in standards grade comment, these do not render properly for parents and students. | PSF-99497 |
Reports | When printing a Standard Object on an Object Report the formatting of Standard Comments and Descriptions will properly honor carriage returns and entered characters. | PSF-103719 |
SAML SSO | An error no longer occurs when connecting to a third-party site using SAML SSO when the client’s IP changes mid authentication. | PSF-103135 |
Search | The performance of the *hours_requested student search has been improved. | PSF-15503 |
Seating Chart | The seating chart from the Teachers Schedule page will now print correctly. | PSF-99312 |
Student | All icons on the Student Quick Lookup page will now appear when the page is printed. | PSF-100954 |
Tasks | An issue with filtering tasks by status has been resolved. | PSF-104299 |
Update Course Staff | The additional staff start and end dates will now be populated correctly. | PSF-103863 |
Known Issues
Product Area | Description | Reference |
Update Course Staff | The end date range selector in the Assign Additional Course Staff process may not capture the selected date properly when closed. It saves properly when manually entering the date. | PSF-102791 |
SSO OIDC Plugin | Once the OIDC Plugin is enabled, users can export persona mappings (Contact, Staff, Student, Teacher) via the DEM. This is a known issue. As a workaround to enable SSO mappings export now, configure and enable any of the four personas in the OIDC configuration. | PSF-104298 |
PowerSchool Components
PowerSchool SIS comprises several software components, each versioned independently. Independent versioning allows for greater flexibility of component updates as new features and bug fixes become available. Some updates may include dependencies between components. These dependencies will be communicated and built into the component update installers to prevent PowerSchool SIS from being misconfigured. The following table identifies the version number for each PowerSchool SIS component in this release compared to the previous release:
Component | Version Number | |
| | |
PowerSchool SIS Server | | |
ReportWorks | | |
Desktop PowerScheduler | 3.1.0 | 3.1.0 |
Oracle | 19c | 19c |
State Reporting | | |
Report SDK | | |
Amazon Corretto Java | 1.8u402 | 1.8u402 |
Apache Tomcat | 9.0.87 | 9.0.87 |