Analyze the Results
When the load finishes, percentages for students with requests, students without conflicts, and total requests satisfied appear on the main Scheduling page.
Navigate to the PowerScheduler page. The page displays the following information:
Field | Description |
Build Scenario | The name of the build scenario. Click the name of the scenario to view or edit its information. |
Last Build | The most recent date you built the master schedule for a build scenario. |
Last Load | The most recent date you loaded student schedules for a build scenario. |
Students With Requests | The number of students for whom course requests were entered. |
Requests Satisfied | The number of all primary student course requests satisfied. |
Students Without Conflicts | The percentage of students without any conflicts in their schedules. |
Status | Indicates if the build scenario is active or inactive. |
%Scheduled | The percentage of requests successfully filled. |
%Core Scheduled | The percentage of requests for core classes successfully filled. |
%Requests Satisfied | The percentage of total requests including alternate requests that were filled. |