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Import Incidents

You can create an incident using the Data Import Manager (DIM) by entering the mandatory fields except the Incident_ID. A new incident with a new incident ID will be created in the incident page.

You can update incidents through the DIM to manage incident records. This includes creating, updating, and deleting incidents and the connected elements like behaviors, actions, objects, and attributes.

  • Updates will be rejected if incorrect dates, IDs, codes, subcodes, object quantities, or invalid #clear or #delete values are entered.

  • If validation fails, the update will not be processed.

  • All child element IDs must be included, except for participants, which cannot be updated.

  • For working with participants, either a Student Number or Teacher Number must be provided, but no other fields can be updated.

Incidents can be deleted via the Incidents import in the data import manager. Incident ID must be included in the import with #delete in Incident Title field for the incident to be deleted. Please note that the incident will be fully deleted with this action.


Field Name


Boolean Flags

When specified, the values of 0, false, f, no, and n indicate false. 1, true, t, yes and y indicate true. Anything else is an error. Not case sensitive.

Incident Codes and Subcodes

When a code or a subcode value is specified, it must be a case-insensitive match to an actual code in the database for the applicable code type.


When specified, the date must be in either mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy format. Any date values not in that format result in an error.


All Boolean flags and code values have default values that are applied if no value is specified. In the case of Boolean flags, this can lead to conflicts if one related row specifies a non-default value and the other related row does not specify the corresponding column.


Empty fields in the import file do not update the field or clear out the data.

Enter #clear as the field value to clear values.

Required values cannot be cleared, even if #clear is entered as the value.


The entire incident or elements of the incident can be deleted by specifying #delete for specific field values. The tables below indicate the applicable fields.

Incidents can be deleted via the Incidents import in the data import manager. Incident ID must be included in the import with #delete in Incident Title field for the incident to be deleted. Please note that the incident will be fully deleted with this action.

Incident table

Field Name



A unique identifier for an incident. This field is mandatory for updates and deletions and cannot be deleted, cleared, or updated.


An integer field that identifies the associated school or district. Cannot be deleted or cleared. Defaults to District Office if left blank during updates. Required for insertions, optional for deletions.


A field specifying the incident type that can be updated but not deleted or cleared. Required for insertions, optional for updates.


The incident date which cannot be deleted or cleared. Updates are permitted in mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy format. Required for insertions, optional for updates with existing value retained.


The incident time which cannot be deleted but can be cleared, defaulting to current time. Updates must be in h:mm AM/PM format.This is an optional field.


A brief incident description that cannot be cleared. Deletion triggers full incident record removal. This field is mandatory for insertions but optional for updates.


A comprehensive incident description that cannot be deleted but can be cleared or updated. This is an optional field.


Identifies the person who created the incident. It cannot be deleted but can be cleared or updated. This is an optional field.


The incident time classification which cannot be deleted but can be cleared or updated. This is an optional field, but subcodes and comments cannot exist without a valid time frame code.


The time frame subcategory which cannot be deleted but can be cleared or updated. This is an optional field but is required if the associated time frame code allows subcodes with comments.


Time frame notes which cannot be deleted but can be cleared or updated. This is an optional field; however, time frame subcodes and comments cannot exist without a corresponding time frame code.


Financial implications of the incident which cannot be deleted but can be cleared (set to 0) or updated. This is an optional field.


General incident location which cannot be deleted but can be cleared or updated. This is an optional field, however, subcodes and comments cannot exist without a valid location code.


Detailed location category which cannot be deleted but can be cleared or updated. This is an optional field but is required if the associated location code allows subcodes with comments.


Additional location details which cannot be deleted but can be cleared or updated. This is an optional field, but subcodes and comments cannot exist without a valid location code.


Detailed location description which cannot be deleted but can be cleared or updated. This is an optional field.


Indicates whether the incident was referred by a teacher which cannot be deleted but can be cleared or updated. This is an optional field.

Incident attribute table


A unique identifier for the incident attribute which is mandatory for update and delete operations. Cannot be cleared, updated, or used for deletion by itself. A non-existing error is thrown if the ID does not belong to the incident.


A main code for an incident attribute which cannot be updated, deleted, or cleared. Required if a subcode or comment exists. Code + ID is used for uniquely identify an existing attribute for update.


A subcategory under the main incident attribute code which cannot be deleted or cleared. Can be updated if it exists for the given code. The subcode cannot match the main code. When a subcode is required for a particular code, both subcode and comment must be provided.


A comment associated with the incident attribute which can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. Deletion removes the corresponding attribute from the incident. Must be provided along with the subcode when required by the subcode.

Incident object table


A unique identifier is assigned to each incident object. Updates and deletions are required to include this ID. A NON-EXISTING error will be thrown if the provided ID is not found in the incident. Independent cleared, updated, or deleted is not permitted.


The main code is designated for each incident object. This code becomes mandatory when a subcode or comment is included. The code must be distinct from any subcode. Updates, deletions, or clearing operations are not permitted on the code. Code + ID is used for uniquely identifying an existing object for update.


A subcategory is defined under the main object code. Updates are permitted when a subcode exists for the given code, but deletions and clearing operations are not allowed. When a comment is required for a subcode, both elements must be provided together.


Comments are linked to the object code. These can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. The incident object is removed when its comment is deleted. If a comment is required for a subcode, both must be supplied simultaneously.


A description is attached to the incident object. Updates and clearing operations are permitted, but cannot be deleted.


A quantity value is associated with the incident object. Only updates are permitted; deletions and clearing operations are not allowed. An error will be thrown if a valid integer is not provided. A quantity of 0 should be set when removal is needed.

Incident behavior table


A unique incident behavior identifier must be provided for updates and deletions. NON-EXISTING errors are thrown when unmatched IDs are supplied. Independent clearing, updating, or deletion is not permitted.


The incident behavior's main code is required when subcodes or comments are present. The existence of behavior subcodes and comments is dependent on a code. No updates, deletions, or clearing are allowed. Existing behaviors are uniquely identified by Code + ID combinations.


A subcategory is organized under the main behavior code. The behavior code and subcode must differ. Updates are permitted for existing codes, but deletions and clearing are not. Comments must accompany subcodes when required.


The second-level subcategory is placed under the behavior code. Updates and clearing are permitted, but deletion is not.


The third-level subcategory is placed under the behavior code. Updates and clearing are permitted, but deletion is not.


The fourth-level subcategory is placed under the behavior code. Updates and clearing are permitted, but deletion is not.


Comments are linked to behaviors. Deletion (#delete), clearing (#clear), and updates are permitted. Behavior removal from incidents occurs upon comment deletion. Required comments must be provided with corresponding subcodes.


Indicates whether the behavior is marked as primary in the incident. Can be updated with the value “primary” or an empty value.


Indicates whether the behavior is an allegation. Can be updated with values “1” (true) or “0” (false).

Incident action table

Field Name



A unique incident action identifier must be provided for updates and deletions. NON-EXISTING errors are thrown when unmatched IDs are supplied. Independent clearing, updating, or deletion is not permitted.


The main code for the incident action is used to identify the action. It cannot be updated, deleted, or cleared. The combination of code and ID is used to uniquely identify an existing action for updates.


A subcategory under the main action code can be updated if it exists for the given code but cannot be deleted or cleared. The action code and subcode cannot be the same. If a subcode is required, it must be provided with the comment.


A comment associated with the action can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. If deleted, the corresponding action is removed from the incident.


The start date of the action must be in the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The end date of the action must be in the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A detailed description of the action taken can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The resolution date for the action must be in the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The duration code for the action cannot be blank if values such as Action Assigned Duration or Action Actual Duration are specified. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A subcategory for the action duration code can be updated if it exists for the given code but cannot be deleted or cleared. If a subcode is required, it must be provided along with the comment.


A comment associated with the action duration can be deleted, cleared, or updated. If deleted, the corresponding action is removed from the incident.


The assigned duration for the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The actual duration for the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


Notes related to the duration of the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The reason for any change in the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A code for any changes made to the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A subcategory for any changes in the action can be updated if it exists for the given code but cannot be deleted or cleared.

Incident action attribute table


A unique identifier for the action attribute must be provided for update and delete operations. A NON-EXISTING error is thrown if the provided ID does not belong to the incident. Independent clearing, updating, or deletion is not permitted.


The main code for the action attribute is used to identify the attribute. It must be one of the following types: Text Attribute, Number Attribute, Select Attribute, Boolean Attribute, Date Attribute, or any defined action attribute codes and subcodes. It cannot be updated, deleted, or cleared. Code + ID is used for uniquely identifying an existing action attribute for update.


A subcategory under the main action attribute code follows the same type as the parent attribute code. It can be updated with a valid subcode but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A comment associated with the action attribute can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. If deleted, the corresponding attribute is removed from the incident. The comment cannot exist without a value, but a value can exist without a comment.


The value associated with the action attribute must match the Action_Attribute_Code. It can be a Text Value, Number Value, Select Value, Boolean Value, or Date Value based on the attribute code. It can be cleared or updated but cannot be deleted.

Incident participant table

Field Name



The student number is linked to the incident and cannot be deleted unless unrelated to the incident (a NON-EXISTING error is thrown otherwise). It cannot be cleared or updated and is mandatory for student participants.


The teacher number is linked to the incident and cannot be deleted unless unrelated to the incident (a NON-EXISTING error is thrown otherwise). It cannot be cleared or updated and is mandatory for teacher participants.


The identifier for an unknown participant is linked to the incident and cannot be deleted unless unrelated (an INVALID ID error is thrown otherwise). It cannot be cleared or updated. This field is optional, and if an Unknown ID is not provided, a new Other Person will be created.


An unknown participant is represented and cannot be deleted or cleared. It can be updated if a valid ID is provided for another person. This is an optional field.


The participant's first name cannot be deleted or cleared. It can be updated for Other Persons if an ID is provided. This is an optional field.


The participant's middle name cannot be deleted or cleared. It can be updated for Other Persons if an ID is provided. This is an optional field.


The participant's last name cannot be deleted or cleared. It can be updated for Other Persons if an ID is provided. This is an optional field.


The participant's role or position in the incident cannot be deleted or cleared. It can be updated for Other Persons if an ID is provided. This is an optional field.


The participant's age cannot be deleted or cleared. It can be updated for Other Persons if an ID is provided. This is an optional field.


The participant's gender cannot be deleted or cleared. It can be updated for Other Persons if an ID is provided. This is an optional field.

Incident participant attribute table


The unique identifier for a participant attribute is required for update and delete operations but not for creation. It cannot be deleted or updated if unrelated to the participant (a NON-EXISTING error is thrown).


The code for the participant attribute is required for creation but optional for update or delete operations. It cannot be deleted, cleared, or updated. Code and ID are used together to uniquely identify an existing participant attribute for updates.


A subcode associated with the participant attribute cannot be deleted or cleared but can be updated. This is an optional field.


A comment related to the participant attribute can be deleted to remove the attribute for the given ID. It can also be cleared or updated. This is an optional field.

Participant table

Field Name


Participants role table


The unique identifier for a participant's role is required for update and delete operations but not for creation. It cannot be deleted or updated if unrelated to the participant (a NON-EXISTING error is thrown).


The code for the participant's role is required for creation but optional for update and delete operations. It cannot be deleted or cleared but can be updated.


A subcode associated with the participant's role cannot be deleted or cleared but can be updated. This is an optional field.


A comment related to the participant's role can be used to remove the participant, their attribute, and associated role from the incident for the given ID. It can also be cleared or updated. This is an optional field.

Participants object table


A unique identifier for an incident object is required for update and delete operations. It cannot be cleared, updated, or deleted by itself. If the provided ID does not belong to the incident, a NON-EXISTING error is thrown.


The main code for an incident object is mandatory if a subcode or comment exists. It cannot be updated, deleted, or cleared. The object code and subcode cannot be the same. Code and ID are used together to uniquely identify an existing participant object for updates.


A subcategory under the main object code can be updated if it exists for the given code but cannot be deleted or cleared. If a subcode requires a comment, both must be provided.


A comment associated with the object code can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. If deleted, the corresponding object is removed for the participant role. If a subcode requires a comment, both must be provided.


A description of the incident object can be cleared or updated but cannot be deleted


The quantity associated with the incident object can be updated but not deleted or cleared. A proper integer value must be provided, or an error is thrown. If removal is needed, the quantity must be set to 0.

Participant action table


A unique identifier for the action associated with the incident is required for update and delete operations. It cannot be cleared, updated, or deleted by itself. If the provided ID does not belong to the incident, a NON-EXISTING error is thrown.


The main code for the incident action cannot be updated, deleted, or cleared. Code + ID are used together to uniquely identify an existing participant action for updates.


A subcategory under the main action code can be updated if it exists for the given code but cannot be deleted or cleared. The action code and subcode cannot be the same. If a subcode is required, it must be provided with the comment.


A comment associated with the action can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. If deleted, the corresponding action is removed from the participant.


The start date of the action must be in the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The end date of the action must be in the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A detailed description of the action taken can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The resolution date for the action must be in the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The duration code for the action cannot be blank if values like Action Assigned Duration or Action Actual Duration are specified. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A subcategory for the action duration code can be updated if it exists for the given code but cannot be deleted or cleared. If a subcode is required, it must be provided along with the comment.


A comment associated with the action duration can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. If deleted, the corresponding action is removed from the incident.


The assigned duration for the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The actual duration for the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


Notes related to the duration of the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The reason for any change in the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A code for any changes made to the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A subcategory for any changes in the action can be updated if it exists for the given code but cannot be deleted or cleared.

Participant action attribute table


A unique identifier for the action attribute is required for update and delete operations. It cannot be cleared, updated, or deleted by itself. If the provided ID does not belong to the incident, a NON-EXISTING error is thrown.


The main code for an action attribute cannot be updated, deleted, or cleared. The code can be one of the following types: Text Attribute, Number Attribute, Select Attribute, Boolean Attribute, Date Attribute, or any type defined in action attribute codes and subcodes. Code + ID are used together to uniquely identify an existing participant action attribute for updates.


A subcategory under the main action attribute code follows the same type as the parent attribute code. It cannot be deleted or cleared but can be updated.


A comment associated with the action attribute can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. If deleted, the corresponding attribute is removed from the participant action. A comment cannot exist without a value, but a value can exist without a comment.


The value associated with the action attribute must match the Action_Attribute_Code, meaning it can be a Text Value, Number Value, Select Value, Boolean Value, or Date Value based on the attribute code. It can be cleared (#clear) or updated but cannot be deleted.

Participant behavior table

Field Name



A unique identifier for the incident behavior is required for update and delete operations. It cannot be cleared, updated, or deleted by itself. If the provided ID does not belong to the incident, a NON-EXISTING error is thrown.


The main code for an incident behavior is mandatory if a subcode or comment exists. Behavior subcodes and comments cannot exist without a code. It cannot be updated, deleted, or cleared. Code and ID are used together to uniquely identify an existing participant behavior for updates.


A subcategory under the main behavior code can be updated if it exists for the given code but cannot be deleted or cleared. The behavior code and subcode cannot be the same. If a subcode requires a comment, both must be provided.


A second-level subcategory under the behavior code can be updated or cleared but cannot be deleted.


A third-level subcategory under the behavior code can be updated or cleared but cannot be deleted.


A fourth-level subcategory under the behavior code can be updated or cleared but cannot be deleted.


A comment associated with the behavior can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. If deleted, the corresponding behavior is removed from the participant role. If a subcode requires a comment, both must be provided.


The behavior’s primary status in the incident can be updated with the value "primary" or an empty value.


The behavior’s allegation status can be updated with values "1" (true) or "0" (false).

Participant behavior action table


A unique identifier for the action associated with the incident is required for update and delete operations. It cannot be cleared, updated, or deleted by itself. If the provided ID does not belong to the incident, a NON-EXISTING error is thrown.


The main code for the incident action cannot be updated, deleted, or cleared. Code and ID are used together to uniquely identify an existing participant behavior action for updates.


A subcategory under the main action code can be updated if it exists for the given code but cannot be deleted or cleared. The action code and subcode cannot be the same. If a subcode is required, it must be provided with the comment.


A comment associated with the action can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. If deleted, the corresponding action is removed from the participant behavior.


The start date of the action must be in the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The end date of the action must be in the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A detailed description of the action taken can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The resolution date for the action must be in the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm/dd/yy. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The duration code for the action cannot be blank if values like Action Assigned Duration or Action Actual Duration are specified. It can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A subcategory for the action duration code can be updated if it exists for the given code but cannot be deleted or cleared. If a subcode is required, both must be provided.


A comment associated with the action duration can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. If deleted, the corresponding action is removed from the participant behavior.


The assigned duration for the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The actual duration for the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


Notes related to the duration of the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


The reason for any change in the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A code for any changes made to the action can be updated but cannot be deleted or cleared.


A subcategory for any changes in the action can be updated if it exists for the given code but cannot be deleted or cleared.

Participant behavior action attribute table


A unique identifier for the action attribute is required for update and delete operations. It cannot be cleared, updated, or deleted by itself. If the provided ID does not belong to the incident, a NON-EXISTING error is thrown.


The main code for an action attribute cannot be updated, deleted, or cleared. The code can be one of the following types: Text Attribute, Number Attribute, Select Attribute, Boolean Attribute, Date Attribute, or any type defined in action attribute codes and subcodes. Code + ID are used together to uniquely identify an existing participant behavior action attribute for updates.


A subcategory under the main action attribute code follows the same type as the parent attribute code. It cannot be deleted, cleared, or updated.


A comment associated with the action attribute can be deleted (#delete), cleared (#clear), or updated. If deleted, the corresponding attribute is removed from the participant behavior action. A comment cannot exist without a value, but a value can exist without a comment.


The value associated with the action attribute must match the Action_Attribute_Code, meaning it can be a Text Value, Number Value, Select Value, Boolean Value, or Date Value based on the attribute code. It can be cleared (#clear) or updated but cannot be deleted.

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