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Grade Level Entry Certifications Setup

Depending on the state, one or many grade level entry certifications must occur for students in a district to ensure that health-related requirements have been met prior to entry into a given grade level. To define grade levels that require entry certification, use the Health Setup Grade Level Entry Certifications tab. Active defined values appear in the Add Grade Level drop-down list on the student Health page Grade Level Entry Certifications tab. If one or many grade level entry certifications have been defined, you can also define the status values that may be used to indicate the progress of a grade level entry certification. Defined values appear in the Certification Status list on the student Grade Level Entry Certifications page. 

  1. Navigate to the Grade Level Entry Certifications Setup page.

  2. To add a grade level entry certification:

    1. Click Add in the Grade Level Entry Certification.

    2. Choose a grade level for which you want to add a certification and enter any comments regarding the certification.

    3. Click Add.

    4. Click Submit. By default, the value is available for use.

    5. To inactivate the value, clear the Active checkbox.

    6. To modify the order by which you want the grade level certifications to appear in the Add Grade Level drop-down list, click the Order arrows to move the value.

    7. Click Submit.

  3. To define the status values that may be used to indicate the progress of a grade level entry certification:

    1. To add a certification status value:

    2. Click Add in the Certification Status Values section.

    3. For State Report Name and State Report Code, enter the value specified by your state in your PowerSchool state reporting setup guide, the value specified by your district, or leave blank.

    4. Click Add.

    5. Click Submit. By default, the value is available for use.

    6. To inactivate the value, clear the Active checkbox.

    7. To modify the order by which you want the status values to appear in the Certification Status drop-down list, on the student Health page, click the Order arrows to move the value.

    8. Click Submit.

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