Manage Student Log Entries
Use log entries to create a record regarding a student's behavior, performance, or activity. Many schools use log entries to chronicle disciplinary actions. Log entries can also be used to record students' positive achievements. Regardless of your reason for creating the log entry, the system immediately sends the log entry to the PowerSchool server, where it is stored in the student's permanent record. Only authorized staff members can view, add, edit, and delete log entries and discipline alerts.
The Log Entries student page is customizable. The information presented in this section is based on the default setup and may differ from your PowerSchool Log Entries student page. For information about configuring this page, refer to Log Types and Log Entry Fields.
Create a Log Entry
Administrators create log entries in PowerSchool.
- Navigate to the Log Entries page.
- Click New.
Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
Date & Time
Enter the current date and time using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry.
Enter the name of the log entry author.
Log Type
Choose the log type.
Choose the log subtype.
Choose the log consequence.
Enter a title for the log entry.
Log Entry Text
Enter the log entry text.
This information goes in the student's permanent record. There is no limit to the length of the entry.
Because the Log Entries student page can be customized, the fields that appear on the second half of the page (after the Log Entry Text box) may differ from your PowerSchool Log Entries student page. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
Incident Type
Choose the type of incident.
Incident Type Category
Choose the category of the incident.
Incident Type Detail
Choose the details of the incident type.
Incident Date
Enter the date of the incident.
Incident Context
Choose the context of the incident. Indicate if the incident occurred during or outside school hours and if it occurred at a school-sponsored activity.
Incident Location
Choose the location of the incident. Indicate if the incident occurred on campus, during an off-campus school activity, or while using school-sponsored transportation.
Incident Location Detail
Choose the details of the incident location.
Choose the category of the person committing the incident, such as a student or teacher,.
Choose the category of the person reporting the incident, such as a student or teacher,.
Reporter ID
Enter the identification number of the person reporting the incident.
Victim Type
Choose the category of the person victimized by the incident, such as a student or teacher,.
Felony Flag
Select Yes or No to indicate if the incident was a felony.
Likely Injury
Select Yes or No to indicate if the incident likely resulted in an injury.
School Rules Violation
Select Yes or No to indicate if the incident was a violation of school rules.
Police Involved
Select Yes or No to indicate if there were police involved in the incident.
Hearing Officer
Select Yes or No to indicate if there was a hearing officer involved in the incident.
Gang Related
Select Yes or No to indicate if the incident was gang-related.
Hate Crime
Select Yes or No to indicate if the incident was a hate crime.
Alcohol Related
Select Yes or No to indicate if the incident was alcohol-related.
Drug Related
Select Yes or No to indicate if the incident was drug-related.
Drug Type
Choose the drug type.
Weapon Related
Select Yes or No to indicate if a weapon was used during the incident.
Weapon Type
Choose the type of weapon, such as a knife or a handgun,.
Weapon Type Notes
Enter any notes related to the weapon type. You can enter a maximum of 79 characters.
Money Loss Value
Enter any amount of money lost in the incident.
Action Date
Enter the date the discipline action was taken.
Action Taken
Choose the discipline action taken, such as detention or suspension.
Action Taken Detail
Choose the details of the discipline action taken.
Action Taken End Date
Enter the date the discipline action ended.
Duration (Assigned)
Enter the assigned duration of the discipline action, such as 2 for two hours of detention.
Duration (Actual)
Enter the actual duration of the discipline action.
Duration Change Source
Choose the reason for any difference in the values of the Duration (Actual) from the Duration (Assigned) fields.
Duration Notes
Enter any notes related to the duration of the discipline action. You can enter a maximum of 79 characters.
Enter the numerical sequence of this log entry if entering more than one log entry for the incident.
Administrator ID
Enter the identification number of the person administering the discipline action.
- Click Submit.
Edit a Log Entry
There are times when you must change an entry because it contains too much or not enough information. Only those school administrators with the proper permissions can edit a log entry.
- Navigate to the Log Entries page.
Click the date of the entry you want to edit.
Use the following table to edit information in the fields:
Date & Time
Enter the current date and time using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry.
The name of the log entry author appears.
Log Type
Choose the log type.
Choose the log subtype.
Choose the log consequence.
Enter a title for the log entry.
Log Entry Text
Enter the log entry text.
This information goes in the student's permanent record. There is no limit to the length of the entry.
Refer to the Create a Log Entry section for details of the Federal Gun Safe Schools Act Information fields.Depending on your state, additional state-specific fields may appear. Modify the fields as necessary.
- Click Submit.
Delete a Log Entry
Occasionally a log entry must be deleted from the student's permanent record. Only those school administrators with the proper permissions can delete a log entry.
- Navigate to the Log Entries page.
- Click the date of the entry you want to delete.
- Click Delete.
- Click Confirm Delete.
Add a Discipline Alert
Use a Discipline alert to indicate and make staff members aware of a student's discipline information.
- Navigate to the Log Entries page.
- Click Edit Discipline Alert.
Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
Discipline Alert Text
Enter the discipline-related information.
Alert Expires
Enter the alert expiration date, if any, using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry. If there is no expiration date, use the default entry 0/0/0.
- Click Submit.
- Click the Discipline Alert icon to read the alert from any page. If there is no Discipline Alert icon, the student does not have a Discipline alert.
- Click Close to close the Discipline Alert window.