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Document Attachments

The Document Attachment feature provides you with the ability to manage a student's documentation by attaching documents to a student record.

To batch download documents stored outside of PowerSchool SIS, access the external application to access the documents.

To get started, configure the following setup items in the following order.

Configure Document Attachments Settings

Prior to working with document attachments, document attachments settings must be configured.

These settings are initially configured during the PowerSchool installation process. For more information, refer to the Installation, Upgrade, Backup, and Configuration Guides.

Configure Document Attachment Server Configuration - External Access

These fields are populated with the Server Host name or IP Address and Port information entered for PowerSchool Configuration - External Access.

  1. Navigate to the Global Server Settings page.

  2. Scroll down to the Document Attachment Server Configuration - External Access section.

  3. Enter information as needed.

  4. Click Submit.

Configure Document Attachment Server Configuration- Internal Access

These fields are populated with the Server Host name or IP Address and Port information entered for PowerSchool Configuration - Internal Access.

  1. Navigate to the Global Server Settings page.

  2. Scroll down to the Document Attachment Server Configuration - Internal Access section.

  3. Enter information as needed.

  4. Click Submit.

Configure Document Attachment Size Limits

To provide better control over the documents that are uploaded to the student record, PowerSchool allows you to configure the maximum size limit for all documents and all students. This way, documents pushed to PowerSchool during student enrollments by PowerSchool Registration can be balanced against the system's available space.

  1. Navigate to the Attachment Settings page.

  2. Select Set Per Student Limit to limit the number of attachments (measured in megabytes) that can be uploaded to the district server per student. This setting may be used in conjunction with the Set Per Document Limit setting.

  3. Enter the maximum size (measured in megabytes) that can be uploaded to the district server per student.

  4. Select Set Per Document Limit to limit the size of attachments (measured in megabytes) that can be uploaded to the district server. This setting may be used in Contribute with the Set Per Student Limit setting.

  5. Enter the maximum size of an attachment (measured in megabytes) that can be uploaded to the district server.

  6. Click Submit.

The Total District Storage is set as a pref during the installation of PowerSchool. The Students Supportable shows the total number of students that can be accommodated by the Total District Storage (perstudentquota/studentsizelimit). The Documents Supportable shows the total number of documents that can be accommodated by the Total District Storage (perdocumentquota/docuementsizelimit).

Configure Document Attachment Categories

Document attachment categories are used as an organizational tool to group document attachments. Category names must be unique and cannot contain commas.

  1. Navigate to the Attachment Settings page.

  2. Click Add to create a new document attachment category.

  3. Enter a Category Name, Category Description, and select the Default Permissions.

  4. Click Submit.

The permissions are determined by identifying the roles, categories, and access levels assigned to a given document attachment.

You can edit or delete any existing categories by clicking Edit or Delete.

Assign Categories to User Access Roles

To control user access to document attachments, you can assign categories with roles. For more information, refer to User Access Roles.

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