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Discipline incident letters

Use Discipline Incident Letters to create templates at the district level. Then, use the templates to run reports at the school level with information on student incidents. This feature is specific to incident management and does not include log entries. Templates can be created at the district level and run at the school level.

Create a discipline incident letter template

  1. At the district level, navigate to the Discipline Incident Letters page.

  2. Select New.

  3. Fill in the information as needed.
    The incident types, incident codes, and incident subcode determine what incidents are included in the report.
    The opening paragraph, closing paragraph, and signature can include smart tags. Smart tags fill in information, such as pronouns, when the report is run based on the relevant student’s information. Smart tags also use the alternate gender pronouns set on the Gender Pronouns page.

  4. Select Submit.

The report will be available to run from System Reports for schools selected in the School field.

Run a discipline incident letter report

  1. Navigate to the System Reports page.

  2. Select Discipline Incident Letters.

  3. Make selections as needed.
    The options in the Letter To Use field are the templates created at the district level.

  4. Select Submit.

The PDF report includes an incident letter per student, separated by page, so reports can be distributed to the relevant recipients.

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