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PowerSchool SIS

PowerSchool SIS version is available as of May 2, 2024. This release is considered a major feature/maintenance release. When the installers are available for download, an announcement will be posted on PowerSchool SIS Release Notification on PowerSchool Community.

Starting with this release, the option to turn off the Enhanced User Interface will be removed and the Enhanced UI will be the only interface available for PowerSchool SIS. Versions prior to 24.5 will still include the Classic User Interface. To learn more about the Enhanced User Interface, refer to FAQs: PowerSchool SIS Enhanced User Interface Webinar on Community.

Customizations might be affected by the Enhanced UI and may need to be adjusted. Technical Contacts can find Developer resources on the PowerSchool Developer site.

📣 Need resources for your staff? Check out the new Admin User Training video. This training link should not be posted on any public websites and should not be copied, distributed, or reproduced in whole or in part, or passed to any third party without PowerSchool written consent.

New Features and Enhancements

Feature or Product Area


Learn More


The alert icon in the header bar that includes items such as password expiration information has been renamed to System Alerts.

Course Staff

With the new Update Course Staff page, we’ve streamlined the process of reassigning and adding additional staff to course sections, resulting in increased efficiency and accuracy in managing personnel assignments. Our streamlined approach simplifies teacher reassignments and allows seamless addition of staff to course sections.

Update Course Staff


The character limits for the following Course fields have been increased throughout the SIS and affected APIs.

  • Course Name field has been increased from 40 to 100 characters.

  • Course Number field has been increased from 11 to 20 characters.

State and Provincial Reporting may utilize restrictions to shorter lengths based on the specific DOE requirements and/or needed updates to specific reporting.

Custom Pages

The Manage Custom Pages feature has been updated and new features added:

  • The existing editor, Ace, has been replaced with Microsoft's Open Source Monaco Editor

  • Autocomplete enables a limited number of PowerSchool PS-HTML tag templates to be added

  • Light, Dark, and High Contrast editing mode

  • Ability to Diff current and previous edits to files

  • Tabs have been updated to indicate that a file has been edited but not saved

  • Improved UI resizing support

  • Additional screen real estate

  • Manage Custom Pages will now open in a new window


A PowerSchool header with the district name will now be included in any emails sent by PowerSchool SIS. This applies when Use Advanced Email Settings is enabled.

Multiple-IDP Support

Multiple OIDC Identity Providers (IDPs) can now be configured in PowerSchool SIS. This update allows for a tailored authentication experience across different user roles, improving overall security and user satisfaction.

Important for Mobile Users: To utilize the new multiple OIDC IDP feature, users must update the PowerSchool mobile app to the latest version post-release. Single IDP users are unaffected, but upgrading is advised to access new functionalities.

This feature cannot be used in conjunction with Unified User.

PowerSchool SIS as OIDC Service Provider for SSO

Enhanced User Interface

The PowerSchool SIS Administrator portal has been updated to remove the Classic User Interface. The Enhanced User Interface will be the only interface moving forward. Versions prior to 24.5 will still include the Classic User Interface. To learn more about the Enhanced User Interface, refer to this FAQ Article which covers common questions and links to all of our training resources.

Customizations might be affected by the Enhanced UI and may need to be adjusted. Technical Contacts can find Developer resources on the PowerSchool Developer site.

Looking for assistance upgrading customizations to the new UI? Submit a request though the Customization Request Form on PowerSchool Community.

Enhanced UI

FAQ and Training Links

How to Customize the EUI

Page Location Reference Doc

Staff Training Video

Troubleshooting Missing Links


SIS Administrator and Teacher portals now support right-to-left languages. This includes:

  • Using the Administrator and Teacher portals in a right-to-left orientation

  • The inclusion of Arabic translations with the SIS Administrator and Teacher portals

  • Support for Hijri calendar



The character limits for the following Name fields have been increased throughout the SIS and affected APIs.

  • Name part fields (First, Middle, Last) have been increased to 100 characters.

  • Last, First name fields have been increased to 305 characters.

State and Provincial Reporting may utilize restrictions to shorter lengths based on the specific DOE requirements and/or needed updates to specific reporting.


District administrators can now fully configure notifications to trigger based on data changes or events throughout the SIS and specify recipients within the admin and teacher portals. With notifications, easily surface information to the appropriate people and hold them accountable with the task management feature coming soon. Enjoy improved communication and transparency while eliminating manual tracking. Please note, as we first introduce this feature, the number of activated notifications will be limited. Refer to the related documentation for more details, and look for enhancements in future releases.


Configuring and Managing Notifications


The PowerScheduler Build server engine is now ready for general availability. This engine will run on the PowerSchool SIS instance, allowing Schedulers to build their schedule from anywhere. To access this feature, enable the Engine Builder - Enable Server-Side Engine option on the Scheduling Preferences page for each school.


The PowerScheduler Matrix Schedule can now be accessed in text format to enhance accessibility for all users. This update improves navigation and readability, offering better support for screen readers and enhancing the overall user experience. Additionally, this update makes copying text even easier.


Keyboard shortcuts have been added for the following Administrator features:

  • Navigating between selected Students and Teachers using:

    • Windows: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Right Arrow and Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left Arrow

    • Mac: Ctrl + Shift + Option + Right Arrow and Ctrl + Shift + Option + Left Arrow

  • Accessing the Global Search using Ctrl + Shift + 8

  • Accessing the Student and Teacher selection when on a Student/Teacher using Ctrl + Shift + 9

The numbers 8 and 9 are based on top row number keys.


The Accessible Student Screens settings under Group Security have been removed. As part of this removal page permissions will be automatically created or updated based on the existing settings on the group. Refer to the Deprecation of studentscreenaccess DAT in SIS article in Community for more information.


As part of this release jQuery 2.1.3 has been removed. This version has not been used since 2022. Custom pages, including login pages, that reference this version will no longer work as expected. Refer to the PowerSchool SIS - Unable to login after upgrade to SIS or higher article in Community for more information.


Apache Struts has been updated to version 6.4.0.

This change does not apply to the PowerSchool Installer service which is only accessible from the local server.


The following server changes have been made:

  • Apache Tomcat has been updated to version 9.0.87

  • Amazon Corretto Java has been updated to version 8u402

  • The PowerSchool service descriptions have been updated to remove "Pearson"

    • This change does not impact the service name

Universal Rostering

The Universal Rostering License now includes an Opt-in Capability to retrieve current-year data for OneRoster v1.1 and V1.2 endpoints. Consumers of Universal Rostering can now choose to receive only current-year data or historical data. 

Universal Rostering

The getStudentsForClass (OneRoster v1.1 and OneRoster v1.2) endpoint is now available in Universal Rostering.

Resolved Issues

Product Area



Custom Links

An issue with inserting custom link categories within a list of links has been resolved. 



An address validation will no longer be triggered when updating the demographics page, even though the address information is unchanged.



The Membership Share field on the New School Enrollment Info page will now hold a decimal value after the page is saved.



The student's grade level will no longer display a value of "K" when using the Clean Up Overlapping Enrollments function on the All Enrollments page.



Under certain circumstances, certain courses would not appear as an option when using ‘Manage Course Selection’ for Traditional Grade Calculations.



The MembershipShare value will no longer be changed from 0 to 1 when updating a student using an import.


Lock Reporting Term Settings

Under certain circumstances, administrators were unable to edit the setting on Lock Reporting Term Settings even though they had the edit permission.



When updating a plugin, the validation messages show as expected.



The Builder now includes a feature to check for circular team references within the Course Team constraint. This feature aims to disallow circular team references when propagating simultaneous, same-room constraints to prevent invalid team setups.


PowerTeacher Pro

Under certain circumstances, students and contacts would not appear for selection when attempting to send an email within PowerTeacher Pro.


PowerTeacher Pro

Under certain circumstances, when an admin user is reviewing the comment bank of a teacher within PowerTeacher Pro Read Only access, the administrator would be logged out.


PowerTeacher Pro

Under certain circumstances, when a teacher uses a comment that contains an HTML tag, the comment would fail to save.



Students with a grade level of 0 will no longer be returned when using an IN search operator.



The following ciphers have been removed when SSL terminates at the PowerSchool SIS server:






Student and Staff

The placeholder image size in the carousel has been adjusted to avoid misalignment when cycling through the selected student/staff list.



The number of API calls per page load has been reduced to improve performance. As part of these changes the Term and School pickers will indicate there is a drop down even if there is only one option in the drop down.


Known Issue

Product Area




If an In-App Notification is created and activated with a message body having unclosed curly braces (“{{“ without matching “}}”) at the end, it may fail to distribute any notifications. To remedy the problem if it occurs, disable or correct the Notification definition and restart PowerSchool.


PowerSchool Components

PowerSchool SIS comprises several software components, each versioned independently. Independent versioning allows for greater flexibility of component updates as new features and bug fixes become available. Some updates may include dependencies between components. These dependencies will be communicated and built into the component update installers to prevent PowerSchool SIS from being misconfigured. The following table identifies the version number for each PowerSchool SIS component in this release compared to the previous release:


Version Number

PowerSchool SIS Server


Desktop PowerScheduler






State Reporting

Report SDK

Amazon Corretto Java



Apache Tomcat



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