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Manage Student Match Criteria

You can customize the student match criteria based on ID instead of Name and Date of Birth. Applicable only for the Pre-Registration Form, the Manage Student Match Criteria page helps you to configure the ID.

To make the configuration, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to System Management, then to Enrollment Express.

  2. Select Manage Student Match Criteria.
    You will have two student match criteria options: Name and Date of Birth based and ID based. The Name and Date of Birth-based option is the default choice.

    Administrators can select ID-based match criteria to enable this feature. The match criteria can be configured using columns from the Student Schema or 1-to-1 extensions of the Student Schema as follows.

  3. Select PowerSchool Field as Student Field or Student Extension Field.

  4. For Student Field selection:

    1. Select the Student Field.

    2. Enter the Match Element Label.

  5. For Student Extension Field selection:

    1. Enter the applicable student extension for the Select Student Extension field.

    2. Enter the applicable table for the Select Table field.

    3. Enter the Column field.

    4. Enter the Match Element Label.

  6. Click Submit.

After enabling the configuration, a new field for ID-based match will be automatically added at the end of the Form along with the PowerSchool Field selection. This field cannot be deleted and will be mandatory. Administrators can optionally add and update names and translations. Administrators must save the form to ensure the field is available in the Pre-Registration Form and subsequently in the reports.

In the Form Builder, saving the automatically added field is mandatory and required for this configuration. If not done, the Pre-Registration form will continue to work except it will not show the field (or field changed in the configuration). Although, this will never block parents from submitting forms.

However, it will block administrators from approving submissions due to unsaved form configuration. Therefore administrators must save the respective Pre-Registration form after changes in the configuration. This will not have any data loss or any other impact on collecting parent responses.

In the Pre-Registration Form - Public Form, the student match criteria field will be automatically added to the form after the Form Builder changes are saved. Parents are required to enter the value in this mandatory field before they can submit the form. After submission, parent records will be added to the Pre-Registration Reports.

In the Pre-Registration Reports, administrators can continue to use the existing functionality as per current behavior which includes Edit, Bulk Edit (When more than one record will be selected, the student match criteria field will be disabled), Reject, Export, Filters, Columns, Resend Email, and Delete.

Approval and Data Delivery to PowerSchool SIS

The following errors will apply to all records within Pre-Registration Reports when there is a mismatch between the form and configuration. Administrators can continue to work with approval as per existing behavior when the configuration issues are resolved.

  • When a configuration is updated and the form is saved within the Form Builder. There may be pending records that do not have value for the Student Match Criteria field. In this case, the Student Match Configuration Error: Mandatory field. $FieldName Missing! will be displayed.
    Administrators can edit the record and update the value against the Student Match Criteria field to proceed with approval again.

  • When a configuration is updated and Form is not saved within the Form Builder. No record will be a valid one as they won't have the new configuration for the Student Match Criteria field. In this case, the Student Match Configuration Error: Incorrect form configuration. Update Pre-Registration $Form Configuration to reflect ID-based matching. will be displayed.
    Administrators must save the form using the Form Builder to synchronize configuration changes to continue.

After approval, all existing checks such as Internal Duplicate Record Check will continue to work with ID based Student Match Criteria instead of First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth. Records not having the Student Match Criteria configured will be skipped from the approval process. Administrators can approve these records by adding a value to the Student Match Criteria field.

The existing approval flow continues to work with the ID Based Student Match Criteria field check instead of the default Name and Date of Birth Based Match Criteria, that is, Records will be compared with the value present in the Student Match Criteria field to a value of the same field within student records present in PowerSchool SIS.

An Approve Student error: Potential duplicates were found. The student must be reviewed before they can be approved. will be displayed if duplicates are found in SIS.

After final approval, the system will continue to create students in SIS, merge, and do nothing in case of duplicates or skip records missing the Student Match Criteria field value.

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