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Create a New Independent Table

You can create an independent table extension not associated with an existing PowerSchool table.

  1.  Database Extensions page. 
  2. In the Choose Functional Area section, select Other.
  3. Click Add Independent Table to create a table that is independent of any existing tables or functional areas. 
  4. Select one of the following options:
      • View only database extension groups for the current functional area to filter the list to display only the extension groups for the functional area you selected.
      • View all user created database extension groups to filter the list to display all of the extension groups created by your PowerSchool users.
  5. To add a new extension group, click Add and then enter the extension name. The name will be prefixed with U_ in the title. Click Apply

    To modify the group you added:

      • Click Edit to change the Extension Name.
      • Click Delete to remove the group from the list.
        The Edit button will remain available until you click Submit.

      • To return to previous sections, click Previous.

  6. Select the database extension group you want to work with from the list provided.
  7. Click Next
  8. To add a new extension table, click Add and enter the table name. The name will be prefixed with U_ in the title. Click Apply

    Note that you can only add a single one-to-one extended table, but you can add multiple one-to-many extension tables. When adding a one-to-many extension table, select the Can have multiple records checkbox.

    To modify the table you added:

      • Click Edit to change the Extension Table Name.
      • Click Delete to remove the table from the list.
        The Edit button will remain available until you click Submit.
      • To return to previous sections, click Previous.

      Some database extensions are provided in PowerSchool. These preconfigured database extensions and fields are not accessible or modifiable by users. 

      • Select the database extension table you want to add fields to from the list provided.
      • Click Next
      • To add new fields for the database extension table, click Add
      • Enter the field name as it will appear in PowerSchool.
      • Select the filed data type from.
      • Enter the maximum length of data that can be entered in the field (up to 4000). When editing this field, the value can be increased, but it cannot be decreased.
      • Enter the default value for the field.
      • Choose a legacy custom field in order to migrate data from the selected field to your database extension field. The default Type is set to String and the default Length is set to 4000 automatically. This option is unavailable if there are no existing legacy custom fields.
      • Enter a brief description of the field.
      • Click Apply.

                To modify the field you added:

          • Click Edit to change the field details.
          • Click Delete to remove the field from the list.
          • To return to previous sections, click Previous.

       16. Click Submit

      You must restart ReportWorks Services in the PowerSchool Installer in order for these changes to take effect in ReportWorks. For more information, refer to Database Extensions.

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