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Configure SAML Service Provider Settings for PowerSchool WS-Trust Bridge

Using the SAML Service Provider Setup page, you can quickly and easily view detailed information about SAML Service Provider settings that have been added to PowerSchool as part of the PowerSchool WS-Trust Bridge plugin installation. Additionally, you can use this page to correct or update information as needed.

This procedure is for a plugin that defines PowerSchool as a Service Provider. For a plugin that defines PowerSchool as a SAML Identity Provider, refer to PowerSchool SIS as SAML Service Provider.

  1. Navigate to the Plugin Configuration page.
  2. Click PowerSchool WS-Trust Bridge, and then SAML Service Provider.
  3. On the SAML Service Provider Setup page, scroll to the External Identity Provider Settings section and update information if needed:




    The external identity provider's name.

    This field is read-only.

    Entity ID

    The external identity provider's public URL.

    Metadata URL

    The service provider's metadata URL. The value is supplied by the service provider, which allows the IDP to communicate with the service provider application.

    View IDP Metadata

    The external identity provider's IDP Metadata must match what is stored in PowerSchool. This information can be used to diagnose communication issues.

  4. Scroll to the Local Service Provider Settings section and update information if needed:




    The local service provider's name.

    Base URL

    The local service provider's base URL.

    This field is read-only.

    Metadata URL

    The local service provider's metadata URL.

    This field is read-only.


    The local service provider's public URL.

    This field is read-only.

  5. Scroll to the PowerSchool User Identifying Elements for Single Sign-On section to view information.
  6. If any information was updated, click Save
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