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Tasks to Complete Prior to Summer School

On this page:

Store Grades

Direct Enrollment: Before transferring students to a summer school, perform the Permanently Store Grades process to ensure that students' current final grade records are stored as historical data. For more information, see Permanently Store Grades.

Remote Enrollment: No change.

Run Reports

Direct Enrollment: Prior to the student transfer process, complete all reporting (including state reports) on students enrolling in summer school. Once the transfer to summer school is complete, the student record is associated with the summer school and the values from the previous enrollment become historical. Therefore, reporting capabilities are limited.
Remote Enrollment: No restriction.

Assign Teacher Sections

Once you have assigned teachers to a summer school, you can create course sections and assign the teachers to their sections.

  1. Navigate to the Course Sections page.
  2. Click the course for which you want to create a summer school section.
  3. Complete the Edit Section page, including selecting a teacher for the new section.

Set Student Indicators

Direct Enrollment Only: It is critical to set the four student-indicator values correctly for each student before transferring active students to summer school.

Direct and Remote Enrollments: These values are used during scheduling with PowerScheduler and during the End-of-Year process to determine student school assignments and whether a student is promoted or demoted.

The four student-indicator values are:

Indicator Value
Summer School IndicatorThis indicator represents the school a student will be enrolled in for the upcoming summer school session. When a school is set up as a Summer School, it uses this value to determine if a student should display in its search results.
Next Year GradeThis indicator is used in conjunction with the Next School Indicator to determine what scheduling options are available to the student. It is also used during the End-of-Year process to determine what grade level the student will be assigned for the next school year.
Year of GraduationThis indicator sets the Year of Graduation value for each student. Improper setting of this value may affect the scheduling process with PowerScheduler.
Next School IndicatorThis indicator represents which school a student will be enrolled in for the next school year. It is used in conjunction with the Next Year Grade indicator to determine which scheduling options are available to the student. During the End-of-Year process, this value is used to determine where to enroll the student for the next school year.

Make sure that all students that will be attending summer school have a Summer School Indicator selected on their Scheduling Setup page. On the start page, search for students with SummerSchoolID#. Verify that all students intending to attend summer school are in the results.

Then, verify that these remaining three student-indicator values are in place. You can use the following search criteria to find any students who are missing any one of the values:

A search with no argument after the equals sign looks for students for whom the value is blank. Using the "+" symbol before a search argument adds the results to your current selection.

  1. On the start page, search for students with Sched_NextYearGrade=. Any students missing this value show.
  2. On the start page, search for students with +Sched_YearOfGraduation=. Any students missing this value show.
  3. On the start page, search for students with +Next_School=. Any students missing this value show.

Once you've found students for whom one or more of the fields are blank, go to the Scheduling Setup student page for each student and enter the correct values for Next Year Grade, Year of Graduation, and Next School Indicator.

Or, work with your selected group one grade at a time by using Select Students By Hand. Select all the students from one grade level and then change their records all at once by using the Student Field Value function.

One other way to enter the correct information is to use PowerSchool's Importing & Exporting feature to change the fields for all the students in the group at once instead of one student at a time or one grade level at a time.

Add District Information

Use Summer School Year setting to indicate which summer school sections should be available for scheduling. This will be either sections in the current year or sections in the next year.

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu.
  2. Under District Information, click District Info.
  3. Use the Summer School Year pop-up menu to indicate whether summer school is part of the Previous school year or the Next school year so the appropriate sections will be available for enrolling students.
  4. Click Submit
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