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Incident Code Types

Code types are used as an organizational tool to categorize incidents. PowerSchool includes the following 11 system-defined, non-editable code types that provide the basis from which all user-defined incident code and subcodes are created:



Action Attributes

Use to describe further details about an action taken in response to an incident. Defined codes and subcodes display on the Add/Update Action dialog accessed in the Incident Element section of the Incident Detail page.

Action Change Codes

Use to describe reasons an action was changed. Defined codes display on the Add/Update Action dialog accessed in the Incident Builder section of the Incident Detail page.

Action Codes

Use to describe actions taken in response to an incident. Defined codes and subcodes display on the Add/Update Action dialog accessed in the Incident Elements section of the Incident Detail page. 

Attribute Codes

Use to describe further details about an incident. Defined codes display on the Add/Update Attribute dialog accessed in the Incident Element section of the Incident Detail page.

Behavior Codes

Use to describe the type of behavior for which the discipline incident was created. Defined codes and subcodes display on the Add/Update Behavior dialog accessed in the Incident Elements section of the Incident Detail page. 

Duration Codes

Use to describe the period of time the incident lasted. Defined codes and subcodes display on the Add/Update Action dialog in the Incident Element section of the Incident Detail page.

Location Codes

Use to describe the place where the incident occurred. Defined codes and subcodes display in the Incident Description section of the Incident Detail page. For more information, refer to Create Quick Incidents and Create Detailed Incidents.

Object Codes

Use to describe an item used in the incident. Defined codes and subcodes display on the Add/Update Object dialog in the Incident Element section of the Incident Detail page. 

Participant Attribute Codes

Use to describe further detail about a participant. Defined codes and subcodes display on the Add/Update Participant Attributes dialog in the Incident Builder section of the Incident Detail page. For more information, refer to Create Quick Incidents and Create Detailed Incidents.

Participant Roles Codes

Use to describe a participant's role in the incident. There are four system-defined codes: Reporter, Victim, Witness and Offender. While the codes are non-editable, you can define subcodes to provide more detail about a participant's role. Defined codes and subcodes display on the Add/Update Participant Attributes dialog in the Incident Builder section of the Incident Detail page. For more information, refer to Create Quick Incidents and Create Detailed Incidents.

Time Codes

Use to describe the period of time that the incident took place. Defined codes and subcodes display as pop-up menus in the Incident Description section of the Incident Detail page. For more information, refer to Create Quick Incidents and Create Detailed Incidents.

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