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Set Up Risk Index Methods

District level administrators may edit an existing or create new risk index methods, which specify the risk index point percentage cutoff levels assigned for grades and attendance. The default risk index method settings described below may be changed and applied to one or many schools in the district.

Default Risk Index for Student Grades

The default grade scale color levels are set at or below level 2/orange, which equates to grades of D and F in an A, B, C, D, F grades scale.

Percentage of Grades
4 PointsPercentage of Grades: At or Above 50%, Grade Scale Color Level 2/Orange (50% and Grade Scale Color Level are editable values)
3 PointsPercentage of Grades: At or Above 35%, Grade Scale Color Level 2/Orange (35% and Grade Scale Color Level are editable values)
2 PointsPercentage of Grades: At or Above 20%, Grade Scale Color Level 2/Orange (20% and Grade Scale Color Level are editable values)
1 PointsPercentage of Grades: At or Above 5%, Grade Scale Color Level 2/Orange (5% and Grade Scale Color Level are editable values)

Default Risk Index for Attendance

The risk index for attendance is based on the default computation of percentage of average daily attendance/average daily membership, which represents and aggregate of student attendance at any given point.

4 PointsADA/ADM% Below 94% (where 94 is the editable value)
3 PointsADA/ADM% Below 95% (where 95 is the editable value)
2 PointsADA/ADM% Below 96% (where 96 is the editable value)
1 PointsADA/ADM% Below 97% (where 97 is the editable value)

Set Up Risk Index Methods

  1. Navigate to the At Risk Parameters page.
  2. To add a risk index method:
    1. Click Add.
    2. Enter the name of the method.
    3. Select the desired Use in Calculation method for Grades.

    4. Enter a value for each percentage cutoff level.

    5. Enter the percentage of grade for each point.
    6. For each point, use the pop-up menu to indicate the at or below color:

      • None
      • (1) Red (Equates to a grade of F in an A, B, C, D, F grade scale)
      • (2) Orange (Equates to a grade of D in an A, B, C, D, F grade scale)
      • (3) Yellow (Equates to a grade of C in an A, B, C, D, F grade scale)
      • (4) Green (Equates to a grade of B in an A, B, C, D, F grade scale)
      • (5) Dark Green (Equates to a grade of A in an A, B, C, D, F grade scale)
    7. Select the desired Use in Calculation method for Attendance.
    8. Enter the value for ADA/ADM %.
    9. Click Submit
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