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Print a Staff Report

Use this page to print reports for the currently selected staff members. Set up the report layouts from the same area as the student reports. For more information, refer to Form Letters.

  1. Navigate to the Print a Staff Report page. 
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:


    Which report would you like to print?

    Choose the form letter.

    For which staff members?

    Select an option to indicate the staff members for whom the report will be run, if necessary.

    Print only the first X pages

    If you only want to print a limited number of pages, select the checkbox and enter the number of pages.

    If printing fee list, only includetransactions conducted during...(may be overridden in report setup)

    If you selected an Object Report in the Which report to would you like to print field and that Object Report includes a fee list object, choose the date range. If you select the Date Range, enter the beginning and ending dates in the fields using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

    Watermark Text

    To print text as a watermark on each page of the report, use the pop-up menu to either choose a standard phrase or select Custom and enter the text you want to print as a watermark in the field.

    Watermark Mode

    Choose how you want the text to print. Watermark prints the text behind objects on the report, while Overlay prints the text over objects on the report.

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale.

    When generating object reports, certain report text may appear in the default English language. For more information, refer to Object Reports.

  3. Click Submit. Review it from beginning to end to verify that the formatting and content are correct.
    If you are ready to print the report, refer to Report Formatting.
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