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Manage Form Templates

Form subscriptions include pre-made form templates and custom-built Flex forms. To access these forms, they must be synced with your system.

The user who first syncs a form will be the form’s owner. Re-syncing the form does not change the form’s owner.

Re-syncing a form overwrites any previous edits made to a form. You should not have to re-sync a form unless prompted by your implementation specialist or support agent.  

  1. From the Start Page, choose System Management, Forms, then Manage Form Templates.
  2. Review available form templates in the Sync Form Templates section.
  3. Select the form templates you want to sync down.
  4. Click Synchronize Form Templates.
  5. Click Sync.

Improved CMP Form Sync

School and district administrators can now benefit from improved Form Synchronization from the Customer Management Portal (CMP) in Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms. Previously, when synchronizing forms via CMP by navigating to Forms - Manage Forms Templates - Synchronize Form Templates, administrators would see only the form being synchronized without any dynamic form translations, even if the form stored in CMP contained them. This required administrators to manually add all translations to each element within the form using the dynamic translations option in the Form Builder, causing significant inconvenience.

With improved CMP Form Sync, if the form template uploaded in the CMP is created based on the PowerSchool SIS locale and Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms is migrated to the PowerSchool SIS locale using the Admin - Locale Management feature (introduced in the Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express release), administrators will be able to fetch dynamic form translations along with the CMP Form Sync. This means dynamic form translations will be available in the form builder against the respective form elements.


To enable the improved CMP Form Sync, the Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express must be migrated to PowerSchool SIS locales using the Admin - Locale Management feature introduced in the Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express release.


  • If the migration to PowerSchool SIS locales is completed and a form uploaded in the CMP contains dynamic form translations based on existing Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms locales, the form will be imported without any translations.

  • If the migration to PowerSchool SIS locales is not completed and a form uploaded in the CMP contains dynamic form translations based on existing Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms locales, the form will be imported without any translations.

  • If the migration to PowerSchool SIS locales is not completed and a form uploaded in the CMP contains dynamic form translations based on PowerSchool SIS locales, the form will be imported without any translations.

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