Title | Give the form a unique name. This title appears in all form lists. | All |
Description | More detail of what this form is used for. The description also appears in form lists. | All |
Success Message | Create a message that appears when a user successfully submits the form. | All |
Category | Create groupings of forms in the form listings found in the admin student pages, and the teacher, and parent & student portals. | All |
Support Plan | If the form is part of a student support plan, use this field to select which plan to include it in. | Collaborative – Student Individual Response – Student Fee Payments – Students Individual Response – Teacher Collaborative – Teacher |
Status | The current status of the form. The status is updated when you click Save Form. - Unpublished — Keep the form private.
- Published — Publish the form to the public. Who it gets published to is decided by the Share Permissions settings and school selection.
- Scheduled — Schedule this form to be public within a specified timeframe.
| All |
Parent/Guardian Email | This property is used to send pre-registration form notifications to parents and guardians. The property requires a valid email element on the form. The email address entered into the element by the parent is used to send submission confirmation, approval, and rejection emails. This feature is available in Ecollect Forms version or higher. Valid email elements are automatically added to pre-registration forms that were published prior to this release unless no email element or multiple email elements exist on the pre-registration form. In that case, you must manually set a valid email element to activate pre-registration form notifications. | Pre-Registration |
School Preference | Configure the school preference on the pre-registration form: - Use the School Preference Element on the pre-registration form to determine which schools are available for selection.
- To hide the School Preference element from parents, toggle the Parents setting, then select a default school for all submissions on the form. The Min and Max selections on the School Preference element are set to 1 by default. At the time of approval, admins must add the School Preference data before proceeding with approval. PowerSchool recommends resolving all pending form submissions before updating the form’s School Preference element permissions.
- Set Default School automatically assigns a school to the form and prohibits parents from selecting a specific school.
| Pre-Registration |
Enrolled School | Choose how pre-registered students are enrolled: - Enroll in Approved School — Automatically enrolls the approved student in their selected school as pre-registered.
- Use Enrollment School — Enrolls the student in the selected enrollment school.
| Pre-Registration |
Options | Additional form options: - Approval — Check this option to activate the approval process. When active, submissions of this form from the parent, student, or teacher portals go into a pending state until an Admin user has accepted or rejected the submission. Approval is only available on Collaborative form types.
- Edit Pending Responses — When enabled, administrators can edit pending responses and proceed with approval. The form continues to appear as submitted by the responder (parent), and edits are made to the existing response record rather than creating a new one. Admins can edit responses for all fields except the Event Calendar. Static and read-only field elements cannot be edited. Admins see the latest changes on the pending response made by other admins. This feature is not applicable to individual teacher and student forms.
- Admin Notification — This option activates the Administrator Notification function. An email is sent to the address entered into the Email field when a response is submitted for the form. Enter more than one email by separating them with commas. Click the blue arrow to open the Notification Options.
Click the Admin tab to configure school-specific notifications: - District Notification: Specify who should be notified when the form is submitted.
- School Specific Notifications: Option to send an email when the form is submitted for a student enrolled in a specific school.
- Field Selection Notification: Option to send an email based on the response to a field on the form. Select Field to specify Email Recipients, School, Element ID, conditional Operator, and Value.
- Email Content: To add form elements to custom Admin notifications, use the $$ElementID format. Supported elements are Single Line Text, Multiple Choice, Checkboxes, Paragraph, Dropdown, Multi Choice Dropdown, Hidden Text, and Race/Ethnicity.
- Parent Notification — This option activates the Parent Notification function. Parent notifications are divided into sub-options - Submission Notification, Approval Notification, and Rejection Notification - providing greater flexibility in communication between parents and schools or districts. Administrator can customize the parent notifications sent for each form based on their school or district requirements.
- If Parent Notification is enabled for an existing form, the 3 sub-options will be selected provided the Approval option is enabled. If Parent Notification is enabled for an existing form, only the Submission Notification sub-option will be selected provided the Approval option is disabled.
- Anonymous Responses — Check this option to make responses anonymous, whereas typical responses log the user’s name along with the rest of the form data. Only available for General Survey form types.
- Restrict to Submit Once — On collaborative forms, this option only allows a single response per student or teacher. On individual response forms, it allows one response per responder. After that, the Submit button is disabled. Even if a response is rejected, the form can only be submitted once.
- Per School — Check this option to enable Restrict to Submit Once for individual and collaborative teacher forms. This checkbox is unchecked by default. Users can toggle this checkbox as needed while editing the form. Disabling Restrict to Submit Once will also uncheck the Per School checkbox. For previously created forms, the Per School checkbox remains unchecked. A warning message is displayed if a form is edited and the Restrict to Submit Once and Per School option is enabled and there are existing admin responses from the District office, indicating that enabling this feature will remove these existing responses.
- Form Submission Behavior
If a teacher/staff member is associated with multiple schools:When Restrict to Submit Once and Per School are both enabled, the restriction applies per school. Teachers can submit the form once for each school they belong to. When only Restrict to Submit Once is enabled, the restriction applies across all schools. Teachers can only ever submit the form once. If an admin submits a form on behalf of a teacher for a specific school, the teacher cannot subsequently submit the form for that same school. However, they can still submit for other schools they are associated with.
- Disable Submit for Family — Removes the Submit for Family option for a parent filling out a form. Only available on Student form types.
- Enrollment Form — Define whether a form appears in the Enrollment tab. This option is only available for clients that have Enrollment Express and Ecollect Forms and does not apply to Pre-registration and Teacher forms.
- Clear Form on Submission — Clears the form on submission so the user is always presented with a blank form. A form field linked to a PowerSchool SIS field will still prepopulate.
- Hide Save Button — Removes the Save for Later button from the published form.
| All |
Share Permissions | Refer to Share Permissions for details. | Collaborative – Student Individual Response – Student Fee Payments – Students Individual Response – Teacher Collaborative – Teacher General Survey |
Shared With | Refer to Share Permissions for details. | Collaborative – Student Individual Response – Student Fee Payments – Students Individual Response – Teacher Collaborative – Teacher General Survey |
Response Permission | This allows you to choose which SIS security groups have access to view or approve pre-registration submissions. - Click the Group Access header to expand the options.
- Choose a Group.
- Choose the Access level for the selected group.
- Use the + (plus) and - (minus) buttons on the Group Access header to add or delete groups.
- Click Close.
| Pre-Registration |
Reset Form | Indicates when the form will be reset. When reset, the form shows up in the form list as not having been submitted, the response bar at the top of the form shows no previous responses, and responses that occurred before the reset are not displayed in response lists and on the Response Report by default. | Collaborative – Student Individual Response – Student Fee Payments – Students Individual Response – Teacher Collaborative – Teacher General Survey |
Custom Styling (CSS) | Enter Cascading Style Sheet classes to reference them in individual form elements to affect how those elements look. | All |
Owned By | The owner of the form. This field can be updated to pass ownership to another user. | All |
Next Form | If set, the form specified here will load after the current form is submitted by an end-user. If not set, the current form will reload when submitted. The list of available forms to choose from contains all forms owned by the owner of the current form. If you are not the owner of the next form that is selected, you may not see the next form populated. If the next form is not published to the student, the form specified in that form's Next Form field form will load or the current form will reload. | Collaborative – Student Individual Response – Student Fee Payments – Students Individual Response – Teacher Collaborative – Teacher General Survey |
Open Language options | Language options are available on various element properties. Click the icon to add translations for the property. Available languages are defined in the Configure Form Languages settings. | All |