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Search Job Opportunities

Use the Job Search feature as a research tool when exploring careers in Naviance by:

  • Viewing job titles and descriptions for careers that match your skills and interests.

  • Understanding the qualifications and education needed for future career paths.

  • Exploring job application formats and requirements on employer websites.

To use Headed2’s Job Search in Naviance, you must create a Headed2 accoun and link it to your Naviance account.

Link Your Headed2 and Naviance Accounts

  1. Select Careers and then choose Search Job Opportunities from Experiential Exploration.

  2. From the Headed2 modal, click Go to Headed2.

  3. Enter your Email and then click Next. Alternatively, select I don't have an email address or Sign in if you already have a Headed2 account.

  4. Enter a Password, confirm the password, and then click Next.

  5. Click Student or Job Seeker and then click Next.

  6. Select your State, and if requested, enter your School Name, and select your High school graduation year.

  7. Indicate if you are under or over 13.

    • Over 13

      1. Click I am over 13 and want to join this site and then click I want to join this site.

      2. Click Approve. You will receive an email with more information about your linked accounts.

      3. Click Return to Naviance.

    • Under 13

      1. Click I am under 13 and want to seek approval to join this site, enter an Authorized person email, and then click I want to join this site. The authorized person will receive an email from which they can approve your request to access Headed2's Career Explorer and link to Naviance.

      2. Click Return to Naviance.

To check the status of your approval requests, from Naviance Student, select About Me and then choose My Account. From General Information, go to Account Settings and select Check status.

Approve an Access Request

If your student is under 13, you may receive a request to approve their Headed2 account.

  1. Locate and open the email from

  2. Click Review Request.

  3. Click Approve Request, enter Your First Name and Your Last Name, and then click Complete Approval.

Unlink Your Headed2 and Naviance Accounts

  1. From Naviance Student, select About Me and then choose My Account.

  2. From General Information, go to Account Settings and select Unlink my account.

  3. Click Unlink from the confirmation modal.

Use Search Job Opportunities

  1. Select Careers and then choose Search Job Opportunities from Experiential Exploration.

  2. Enter or select search criteria and then click Search.

  3. From the list of job opportunities:

    • Select the title to display the opportunity details and the option to Apply Now.

    • Click the heart icon to add the opportunity to Favorite Job Opportunities.

Review Favorite Job Opportunities

  1. Select Careers and then choose Search Job Opportunities from Experiential Exploration.

  2. From Recently Favorited Job Opportunities, select All Favorited Job Opportunities. You must have a list of favorite job opportunities to display this option.

  3. From Favorite Job Opportunities:

    1. Select the title to display the opportunity details.

    2. Click the heart icon to remove the opportunity from your favorites list.

    3. Select Back to Search to find additional job opportunities.

Unlink Your Headed2 and Naviance Accounts

You can unlink your accounts if you previously created a Headed2 account and linked it with Naviance.

  1. From Naviance Student, select About Me and then choose My Account.

  2. From General Information, go to Account Settings and select Unlink my account.

  3. Click Unlink from the confirmation modal.

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