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Work-Based Learning

Find Work-Based Learning Opportunities

  1. Navigate to Careers and select Find Work-Based Learning from Experiential Exploration. Alternatively, find Work-Based Learning opportunities from Upcoming Events in a related career, cluster, or pathway profile.

  2. From the Work-Based Learning dashboard, review opportunities by date or use one of the following options to find a specific event:

    1. From the Event Type list, choose to display only guest speakers, field trips, career fairs, internships, externships, or job shadows.

    2. From the Sort By list, choose to display events starting with the furthest or closest date.

    3. Click Filter, choose an option from the list and click Apply.

Parents and guardians with Naviance Student accounts can review:

  • Work-based learning opportunities and organization details.

  • Opportunities and events for which their students plan to attend or apply.

  • Their student's favorite events and opportunities.

Opportunity Cards

Review the information on the opportunity cards, including:

  • Opportunity Date

  • Opportunity Title

  • Opportunity Type

  • Date

  • Location

From the opportunity card:

  • Click Apply or Attend to indicate you will participate in the event.

  • Click Favorite to add the opportunity to your list of Work-Based Learning Favorites.

  • Click Favorited to remove an opportunity from your list of favorites.

To access your work-based learning favorites, click Filter, select Favorite, and then choose Opportunities in Your Favorites. The Favorites section does not display work-based learning favorites.

Opportunity Details

Select the opportunity title to display information about the opportunity, such as:

  • Available Seats

  • Organization information

  • Salary and benefits

  • Location and Dates

  • Contact

  • Career Connections

From the opportunity tile, click Favorite to add the opportunity to your list, or click Attend or Apply to express your interest in participating in the opportunity.

Select Back to Find Work-Based Learning to return to the Work-Based Learning dashboard.

Organization Details

To display the related organization details, select the organization name.

  • Access details such as the organization's address, website, and upcoming opportunities.

  • Select Back to Opportunity to return to the opportunity details.

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