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Roadtrip Nation Interview Archive

The Roadtrip Nation Interview Archive is a digital career exploration tool with access to over 10,000 video interviews. The videos chronicle the diverse personal stories of leaders who have turned their interests into their life's work.

  1. To access Roadtrip Nation, select Careers and then select Explore Roadtrip Nation Videos from Experiential Exploration.

  2. Choose one of the search options to find videos of interest.

Search Option


What is Your Road?

Choose a foundation and two interests to explore interviews with leaders with similar roads.


Choose an interest category such as medicine, art, or business to explore interviews with leaders in fields that align with your interests.


Choose a theme such as risk, failure, or determination to explore interviews in which leaders discuss their trials and learning related to the selected theme.


Choose any of the leaders interviewed.


Choose a pre-assembled playlist of video interviews.

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