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Login Options

Depending on your school or district, you may log in to Naviance Student using:

  • Native login

  • Single sign-on (SSO)

  • Clever

Native login

Native Login Reference Guide.pdf

Native Login refers to the process of logging in to your school’s Naviance Student site with a username and password. For your first log in to Naviance Student, your school may provide you with:

  • A registration code

  • A username and temporary password

Log in with a registration code

If you have a registration code from your school, use this code to register your account and create a username and password for all future Naviance Student logins.  

  1. Navigate to your school's Naviance Student web page. 

  2. From the login page, select I'm new and need to register

  3. Enter your registration code in the Registration Code field and then click Register

  4. Enter a Username, a New Password, a password confirmation, and then click Continue.

  5. Click Continue

  6. Click Continue.

  7. From the Naviance Student login page, click Parent or Guardian. 

  8. Enter the email or username and password that you just created, and then click Continue to log in. 

Log in with a username and a temporary password 

If you have a username and temporary password from this school, use these credentials for your first login. 

  1. Navigate to your school's Naviance Student web page. 

  2. From the login page, click Student

  3. Enter your school-provided Email or username and temporary Password and then click Continue

  4. Enter a New Password and then confirm the password. 

  5. Click Continue

  6. From the Naviance Student login page, click Student. 

  7. Enter your email or username and the password that you just created and then click Continue

Manage login credentials 

Edit your password 

Use this option when you need to change your password and can log in to Naviance Student. 

  1. From Naviance Student, navigate to About Me and then select My Account

  2. Select Security. 

  3. From the Password card, select edit

  4. Enter the Old Password and New Password and then confirm the new password. 

  5. Click Save

Forgot your password 

Use this option if you forgot your password and cannot log in to Naviance Student. However, you must have an email address associated with your Naviance account to use this feature.

If you do not have an email address associated with your Naviance account, contact your school for help. 

  1. From the Naviance Student login page, click Student or Parent and Guardian

  2. Select Forgot your password

  3. Enter the email address on file in Naviance. 

  4. Click Reset Your Password

  5. Locate the Naviance-generated email and retrieve the temporary password from it. 

  6. Return to the Naviance Student login page and click Student or Parent and Guardian

  7. Enter the Email or username and the temporary password. 

  8. From Reset Password, enter and confirm a new password. 

  9. Click Continue

 Single sign-on

If your school uses SSO, you will access Naviance in one of two methods. 

  • Via your school or district’s login option.

  • Via your school’s Naviance Student web page. Navigate to your school’s Naviance Student web page and select Parent or Guardian. Then, select Continue with Single Sign On


Access Naviance Student from the Clever portal or a Clever Instant Login link. Contact your school for more information.

Alumni access

Alumni cannot use Clever or SAML SSO to log in to Naviance Student. Upon becoming Alumni in Naviance, alumni students can log in to Naviance Student natively with a username and password.

  1. From the Naviance Student login page, select Alumni.

  2. Enter the username and password.

  3. Click Continue.

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