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Test mode is enabled until the live lottery takes place to ensure all components are working correctly and tested thoroughly.

Lottery Summary

A summary of the current state of school choice lottery assignments once the lottery has run.

  • Total Available Seats: Displays the total number of seats available in your district.
  • Total Submissions Imported: The total number of records that have been reviewed and imported into the School Choice workspace. Typically, administrators approve the records in the Submission workspace and import them into the School Choice workspace. Records must be imported into the workspace to be processed in the lottery.
  • Total Students Seated: The total number of students that were assigned seats.
  • Total Students Waitlisted: The number of waitlisted students once the lottery is processed.
  • Total Seat Assignments: Typically is the same number as Total Available Seats. The only exception is when your district groups twins, triplets, or other multiple births into a single record. In that case, the total number of seat assignments is larger.
  • Total Waitlist Assignments: Reflects the total number of waitlisted assignments. This number is usually higher than the total number of students waitlisted because it takes into account each school or program a student is waitlisted in.


Records that are approved in the Submission workspace are available for import and lottery processing in the School Choice workspace.

The Students section shows the number of records within each stage of the lottery process as they are imported and processed.

A blue bar appears if there are any available records ready for import from the Submissions workspace.

Choose All, Not Processed, or Processed to review details on seating unit choices, seat assignments, waitlist assignments, and other student information.

Seats to be Filled

This section displays schools that have seats that can be filled. These are available seats on the Seated List with a student's choice on the Waitlist. Select a school to directly display a related seating unit where a seat can be filled.

The schools listed are dependent on your Permission Rules.

Upcoming Seat Acceptance Deadlines

This section displays upcoming seat acceptance deadlines based on your configuration and permission settings. Refer to Manage Seat Acceptance Deadlines for details.


Information in the Schools section varies according to your district's programs and grade levels. The first school level may be broken up into the different schools within the district.

Each level shows the number of seats available, the number of students offered a seat, and the number of waitlisted students. Select a school or grade level link to manage seating assignments.

Workspace Tools

Available reports and tools depend on the form configuration and permissions assigned within your district.

  • Process Records: Run the lottery by taking imported records and randomly assigning students to seated lists and waitlists.
  • View Audit Log: Generate a list of changes made to records within the workspace after the lottery has run.
  • Manage Communication Templates: Configure the templates used to communicate the lottery results to parents.
  • Download Seated List Report: Generate a ZIP file containing each grade level or program broken down into CSV spreadsheets. Click Download Data to generate the file.
  • Download Seated List Summary Report: Create a single CSV file with a list of all students for each program level.
  • Download Waitlist Report: Generate a ZIP file containing each program broken down into CSV files with lists of waitlisted students.
  • Download Sibling Accepted Report: Generate a CSV file of applicants with linked siblings who are seated or waitlisted in the lottery.
  • Parent-Facing Results: Hide the parent-facing lottery results temporarily or permanently through the Result Notification & Decision Response feature.
  • Download Open Seats Report: Generate a CSV file containing all the schools, grades, and programs that have open seats on their Seated Lists and at least one student's choice on their Waitlists to identify seats that should be filled.
  • Transfer Lottery Results Data: Transfer processed records back to the Submission workspace. This is useful when you want to deliver the results back to your SIS.

The Clear Test Mode Data section displays when the workspace is in test mode.

  • Reset Assignments / Clear Audit Log: Resets all seat assignments and clears all audit log history for students that have been imported into the School Choice workspace.
  • Reset All Test Data Including Students: Resets all lottery information and requires records to be re-imported from the Submission workspace.
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