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Student Data

The Student Data page allows you to interact with the forms you have access to:

Sort Columns

Choose Student Data from the main menu. By default, the forms are displayed by Academic Year in descending order.

To sort by a different column:

  1. Click the column heading to sort by that column in ascending order. 
  2. Click the column again to sort by descending order.
  3. Click the column a third time to remove the sort order.

Filter Forms

  1. Choose Student Data from the main menu.
  2. Click Filter.
  3. Choose a table column to filter or keep the default All selection to search all table columns.
  4. Enter search criteria as needed.
  1. If you selected to filter by Academic Year or Status, select an available option from the list; the list refreshes based on the entered information.
  • To add another filter, click the Add ( + ) icon. 
  • To remove a filter, click the X on the filter button.
  • To remove all filter selections, click Clear All.

Form Properties

FormThe name of the form as it displays online for parents.
Academic Year

The school year for which the form is associated.

  • Open indicates parents can access the form.
  • Closed indicates parents cannot access the form.
  • Scheduled indicates that the form is scheduled to auto-open and auto-close at defined dates and times.
  • Scheduled (Open) indicates that the form is currently in between the auto-open date and time and auto-close date and time.
  • Scheduled (Closed) indicates that the form is currently either before the auto-open date and time or after the auto-close date and time.

If a form is Closed or Scheduled (Closed) and a parent attempts to access the form, they will be directed to Form Not Available for more information.

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