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Additional Content


The pages of your form may include additional content. For a video overview of Additional Content, refer to Form Builder- Additional Content.

Manage Additional Content

  1. From the main menu, select Configuration, then Form Builder.
  2. Select your form. 
  3. Click the Additional Content tab.
  4. Update the content sections as needed. 

Content Sections

The content sections displayed depend on the selected form. For many fields, use the rich-text editor to format the content as you would like it to appear on the form, including links, images, tables, tokens, etc.

Form Not Available

Use the Early Access text box to provide information to parents when the form is set to be auto-opened and closed at scheduled dates, and the current date is prior to the auto-open date.

Use the On Hold text box to provide information to parents when the form is on hold.

Use the Closed text box to provide information to parents when the form has a status of Closed, or is set to be auto-opened and closed at scheduled dates, and the current date is after the auto-close date.

SnapcodesUse the Snapcode Help text box to provide information to parents about Snapcodes.
Introduction Page

Use the Introduction text box to provide introductory information to parents about the form. This required field is only available for Restricted and Private forms. 

Summary Page

Use the Some Fields Not Valid text box to provide information to parents about the form's missing requirements.

Use the All Fields Valid text box to provide information to parents about how to proceed when the form's requirements are complete.  

Both fields are required and only available for Restricted and Private forms.

Payment Page

Use the Payment Due text box to provide information to parents regarding a payment that is due.

Use the No Payment Due text box to provide information to parents indicating that no payment is due.

Submission Confirmation Page

Use the Submission Confirmation text box to provide information to parents when viewing the Submission Confirmation page.

Use the Submission Confirmation Popup text box to provide information to parents within a pop-up dialog when first arriving on the Submission Confirmation page of the form.

Use the Email Confirmation fields to provide a submission confirmation to parents via email:

  • To (Secondary): Select a field to send the email to if an account holder's email is not available.
  • Subject: Enter the subject line.
  • Body: Enter the submission confirmation content you would like to provide to parents.
  • From: Enter the sender's information. The default (and recommended) value is PowerSchool Support <>.
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